Author Topic: I'm bored, give me your lore questions to answer  (Read 13539 times)

is Cayde-6 the god of our known universe?

Is it true that RvB (Red vs Blue) Is canon to the Halo Universe?
No. For the sake of RvB's own story and themes, their writers have attempted to justify some of Halo's plot points into the RvB canon (such as how Project Freelancer and the Alien Prophecy fit in), but ultimately RvB is absolutely 100% not canon in the actual Halo universe.

You're probably thinking of the Easter Eggs that appeared in Halo 4's SPARTAN Ops (among other Easter Eggs the Rooster Teeth guys have done for the Halo series).

what's with all the weird armor in halo 5
The designers at 343 have a fundamentally different idea of the use and aesthetics of SPARTAN gear to the Bungie designers. 343 want to go for functional, giving more room to the flexible joint areas as well as turning SPARTANs into more of a Ninja-style design with sleak curves. They also wanted to make the armor seem more like pieces that you connect up as opposed to being a cumbersome suit.

I don't like it, but that's the intention.

Which Doctor is your favorite Doctor (via Doctor Who)?
Only watched one or two episodes. Not really a fan.

whats the best gta game
I like GTA IV's story, although V added some nice features for gameplay. I recognise everybody else has a lot of nostalgia for San Andreas but I simply can't get into the SD-era games with all the improvements the HD-era brought.

How come nobody could get along with one another in any of those games? Why always the fighting and side taking?
It's all about differences in opinion, and people feeling the necessity to force their point of view.

Let's really simplify down Assassin's Creed as an example. It's a story about the Assassins, who believe in total freedom for those willing to learn for themselves, and the Templars, a group of control-seekers who believe that people are too stupid to be trusted to control their own fate. These sides fight to the death over this simple conflict of opinion, and the games assert that most of history's biggest events are all linked into this conflict.

If there's a specific game you want me to describe the conflicts in (maybe even expand on AC), ask away.

do you think the new AC game is gonna be good

I honestly like the modular feel of the Spartans, I'm asking about the weird-ass helmets that don't have visors and stuff and the curvy armor that looks like it wasn't even made by humans

also why did they think the req pack system was a good idea

do you think the new AC game is gonna be good
I actually do, but I'm a bit confused over the plot. In previous games, Cleopatra and Caesar were both noted as Templars, and yet they're our allies in this game against some other new (old) faction.

Also, being the first Assassin means theoretically you should have gear worse than Altair. Right? Right?!

the weird-ass helmets that don't have visors and stuff and the curvy armor that looks like it wasn't even made by humans
That might be part of the point though. Post-War, Humans and Elites had a brief truce and technology swap, and think about all the Forerunner artifacts they likely uncovered thanks to Covenant excavation teams.

also why did they think the req pack system was a good idea
The money, my boy.