Author Topic: MOVED TO ADDONS: [HatMod] Queeba's Face Pack  (Read 8657 times)

jesus christ
i dont understand how you could export a model that big to dts. ports blender exporter doesnt allow it

i dont understand how you could export a model that big to dts. ports blender exporter doesnt allow it

who said he used port's

who said he used port's
does 2.49b allow for dts exporting on this scale? i wanna get my face into bl as a hat too but its too big :((

The Qorrupta is so qorrupt blender crashes when I try to import the dts 10/10

Better than Crysis
iirc darksaber said that there were so many polys that he had to split it into multiple parts to prevent blender from crashing on export. honestly i think i'll just leave the absolutely ungodly amount of polys in the add-on for the joke factor of it, but if it becomes an issue when it comes to server performance then i can simplify it.
The Qorrupta is so qorrupt blender crashes when I try to import the dts 10/10
the qorrupta is pretty much a failed export of the queeba hat that glitched out somehow

i think i'll just leave the absolutely ungodly amount of polys in the add-on for the joke factor of it
idk what kind of joke factor i'm seeing when the model has more faces than most characters from any triple A title, and those are full on character meshes..........

idk what kind of joke factor i'm seeing when the model has more faces than most characters from any triple A title, and those are full on character meshes..........
honestly, the reason it's high poly in the first place is because of the converter i used to take my faces and convert them to 3d obj models. while yes, i could simplify the polys, the joke factor here is that it looks like one hell of a creepy uncanny valley thing. as i said, i'll go and simplify the polys if they cause an actual performance issue, but for now i just feel like leaving it.

i think i'll just leave the absolutely ungodly amount of polys in the add-on for the joke factor of it
>causing somebodies computer to combust for a funny

Why did't you just make these faces instead? Making them hats is completely unnecessary

idk what kind of joke factor i'm seeing when the model has more faces than most characters from any triple A title, and those are full on character meshes..........

Yeah, I'm not getting it either

i feel like this is a sign of the end times


  • Administrator
Please do not undo hundreds of hours of optimization work for the sake a of a meme.  Optimize the mesh.

yeah man ur gonna break blockland for everyone

The problem is that you assumed more polys means a more beautiful mesh, since that's what all the AAA games do.

Queebs, there's no amount of polys that could make that face beautiful. Yeesh.

next up - each cell on queebas face now has their own polygons

why are so many finished addons being moved to mod help