LyfHax (BLID 167225): Attempted Server DDoSer.

Author Topic: LyfHax (BLID 167225): Attempted Server DDoSer.  (Read 5348 times)

Putting this up so you can be aware of LyfHax, who seems to only join servers for that purpose.

Update: My friend sent me an image of him doing it on another person's server, to no success.

Thanks. I'll go execute the ban command on my server right now while I can.

-- Cloud Zero | 37977

its nice to know that this here internet is full of mature intellectuals

Ignore the "DDoS", this is kinda just connection spam.


Some aliases include:

I vaguely remember a guy named "SanicHedgeDoge" on some freebuild harassing people for not liking Sonic, so I guess it was him.

he/she was in crown jailbreak too doing the same connection spam or whatever it is

i cant send any screenshots now, im studying, but i will sned em later

anyways, /support

this is awful


ive felt like i have seen the name before, idk where.

I somewhat remember SanicHedgeDoge, but don't really remember what happened.

he did it on zill's server too

does he have "loving cunt monday ass kissing richard sucker piece of stuff" on his clipboard at all times so he can paste it in or something lol

top 10 anime betrayals

ot : this guy is generally a richard anyways

connection spam like that isnt how to ddos a server, but ye connection spam is stupid and the fact it doesnt actually have an affect on the server doesnt invalidate this drama