Author Topic: [Cxero's Apocalypse RP] Permanently Banned For Mistake (BladeBurn Brown-Nosing?)  (Read 5610 times)


It seems server administrating is getting more and more abusive everywhere I go, I'm just role-playing on Cxero's Apocalypse RP server with my best friend "Spuds" and we are gathering up weapons / supplies. so we come across some gang territory (gang members are bots) and I decided to kill one of the bots for their Mac-10, BladeBurn got caught in the crossfire and killed the bot with the Mac, he took it so I demanded him to drop it or else I'd kill him. He refused but then I felt a bullet hit me and so I gunned him down.

So that's when the stuff-storm started,

That was my kill on Blade when he didn't drop the Mac-10.

He got pissed off.

Then claims RDM, blaming me afterwards "server 10/10"

This is where stuff get's a little intense, as I was blatantly disrespected by the host himself being called a richardhead over one mistake, he did nothing to solve the issue in a formal manner at all, in which you're about to see in a minute.

As you can also see, I'm trying to explain the situation to Cxero.

First of all Cxero, Roblox was not the reason why I was permanently banned. It was because you didn't graduate "Host Academy, Class 2k17" because you dropped out early.

_____________________________ ________________________

But does it stop there? No, so we resort to Blockland Glass afterwards in which I confront BladeBurn.
This isn't funny.

At this point you can put on some reading glasses and browse over the entire glass conversation below:
And yes, it's sorted in order.

This is where his tone begins to change.

Again... Seriously?

And to put the icing on the cake, I was willing to clear up the situation with Cxero, but apparently he has other Agenda's, such as "receiving publicity" from this drama.
(Snapshot courtesy of Block King124)

And on top of THAT mess, Spuds was trying to clear up the situation as well, unfortunately, resulting in his permanent ban as well...
(Snapshot courtesy of Spuds)

This ban is questioned, but it was a permanent ban, don't know if the person was innocent or guilty, but if you're the user that was banned now is your chance to speak out on this situation.
(Snapshot courtesy of Block King124)

If you were permanently banned for no reason or it was just an accident, sorry to hear that. But Cxero really needs to understand the concept of hosting and not be so abusive, especially wanting attention for his own sake such as gaining publicity, also, Blade eventually came forward with an apology. Thank you.


+Support If Agreed


Okay, aside from this whole thing, you people look really handicapped when you argue in the glass chat room.

You have to solve problems some sort of way, just letting it sit in the background isn't going to help. But I do agree to a degree.

you acted like an e-gangster in the chatroom but the host seemed to jump the gun a bit

also your thread is like those stuffty facebook videos with the weird highlighting text

I only did that to highlight the obvious, to shorten the reading.

I agree, and generally this happens to a lot of people all the time

Since i was the only goddamn person who spent a few minutes reading the text, i can definitely see why Cxero did not even bother going to host academy 2k17, let alone drop out soon.

The ban reason at first seemed like a joke to me, but apparently Blockland has turned into 5 year old kidland, and the kid-hosts listen to people who don't know what's the difference between RDM and a robbery in a rp is, thus they choose RDM, and then complain to a host, and thus the "RDMer" gets banned for an amasing reason, roblox

I've witnessed stuff like this before and i don't know how to conclude my reply better than this simple message.


(also if anyone else disagrees with my reply, then A. I do not give 5 stuffs, B. You cant change my opinion)

You threatened to drama them. I don't support this much.

Why are you putting 2k17?? Jesus forget guys, the 0 is closer to 2 and 17 than the k, especially if you use the numberpad and even moreso on mobile where you have to switch to letters and back to symbols.

(also if anyone else disagrees with my reply, then A. I do not give 5 stuffs, B. You cant change my opinion)
if you don't care then why bother leaving this little note

(also if anyone else disagrees with my reply, then A. I do not give 5 stuffs, B. You cant change my opinion)
well that's dismissive and also downright rude lmao

(also if anyone else disagrees with my reply, then A. I do not give 5 stuffs, B. You cant change my opinion)
goodbye homie

(also if anyone else disagrees with my reply, then A. I do not give 5 stuffs, B. You cant change my opinion)
If you don't care don't bother to reply to anyone else then. You aren't superior to anyone.

(also if anyone else disagrees with my reply, then A. I do not give 5 stuffs, B. You cant change my opinion)

were your parents related

(also if anyone else disagrees with my reply, then A. I do not give 5 stuffs, B. You cant change my opinion)


bladeburn went ape after miura because he didint beleve in santa
