Author Topic: Farewell, Boss Battles.  (Read 4137 times)

6 years making people smile with your awesome gamemode.
We hope that we expect more gamemodes from you, Pecon.

With all that said. Farewell, Boss Battles.

wait it's done now??
dang :c didn't play it too much but when i did i had a blast

« Last Edit: November 09, 2017, 06:57:35 PM by DestroyerOfBlocks »

wait it's done now??
dang :c didn't play it too much but when i did i had a blast
it's still up it'll probs end at midnight

i joined for one last round, was good fun

for forgets sake you guys didnt tell me

but i just have one question...

did the server close with a golden chest opening? that woulda been cool

I remember when I managed to win by hiding like a coward with the gentlespy and I defeated the boss in the end.

dang she even went back to her old account to lock the topic rip

and just as i say that she unlocked it wow >:(

ok now it's ded
« Last Edit: November 10, 2017, 03:07:24 AM by gr8dayseth »

If you cry, let the tears run through. It was fun y'all.

jetz tricked me into thinking i got a letter right while playing hangman

o and hi lego lad