[NEWS] European Union signs pact to unify militaries, integrate defenses

Author Topic: [NEWS] European Union signs pact to unify militaries, integrate defenses  (Read 5799 times)

is this bad or good i dunno which
both? if this works out accordingly, the EU will be less reliant militarily on the US and other NATO members, but with NATO in mind, they might be undermine the power of NATO.

European Union or the U.S.E.R.
Union of Socialist European Republics
Huh, that spelt out somethin

it appears this measure has the support of NATO, as well

[img ]https://media1.tenor.com/images/16f75ca531d66da553e439eb0187cd83/tenor.gif?itemid=8486419[/img]
Whoa, when did Leisure wake up?

it appears this measure has the support of NATO, as well
if that's the case I could see this merely as a subdivision of NATO, to consolidate a standing european force; unless the countries independently retract their support for NATO as time goes on.

hey, look, germany got that unified eurostate after all

holy stuff

those those cheap bastards long enough.

those those cheap bastards long enough.
that's exactally what im saying

the french will rule again