
is mocheeze gay

5 (38.5%)
no but the nc is
8 (61.5%)

Total Members Voted: 13

Author Topic: Mocheeze has been summoned!™  (Read 17502 times)

well stuff. ill just be on my way then

wow... no wonder he left.....

Seth's evil side

Anyway, tbh I never really put much thought into the whole balloon accident meme. I figured he'd be gone forever either way, regardless of how true the meme was.
It's good to see that he's definitely not dead, though.

wait wait wait hold up peoPLE BELIEVED HE DIEd!?
o mg.

well he did cuz he died in a ballooning accident

Mocheeze may be alive, but the Mocheeze we all knew and loved is surely dead

mocheeze's mother was so devastated about his death that she snapped and started pretending to be him and post using his account

mocheeze's mother was so devastated about his death that she snapped and started pretending to be him and post using his account

not only on blf but also reddit

guess heaven didnt want him

mocheeze still hasnt accepted my steam friend invite :c