Author Topic: the net neutrality thread  (Read 8508 times)

The FCC just announced their plans to remove net neutrality.
Welp, we better get in the bunkers before Comcast fires the nukes.

im sure more obscure websites like this one wont be affected
im not so sure about reddit, other more popular forums like facepunch, research sites and even server hosting will be safe

im sure more obscure websites like this one wont be affected
im not so sure about reddit, other more popular forums like facepunch, research sites and even server hosting will be safe
i bet you 100000 dollars they're going to use a whitelist

The FCC just announced their plans to remove net neutrality.

good for them

The FCC just announced their plans to remove net neutrality.
Welp, we better get in the bunkers before Comcast fires the nukes.

Currently prepping my guillotine

good for them
this is "forget you I've got mine" if I've ever seen it

my family pays $200 a month for internet and i can't even watch 1080p videos without stuttering

good for them

I don't get what you expect to come out of displaying your general apathy towards the topic beyond looking like a dipstuff on purpose or trying to downplay the severity of the situation.

Either way, your input means nothing to anyone. Like usual.

Either way, your input means nothing to anyone. Like usual.

apparently it means enough for you to respond to me

apparently it means enough for you to respond to me

Again, a response that means nothing and has little to no value to the topic. If you have nothing to say, consider not saying anything. It takes a special kind of piece of stuff to purposely go out of their way to be apathetic towards something specifically because other people are being outspoken about it.

Again, a response that means nothing and has little to no value to the topic.

the only thing you've contributed here is telling me how much of an idiot i am

It takes a special kind of piece of stuff to purposely go out of their way to be apathetic towards something specifically because other people are being outspoken about it.
