What if John Titor's predictions never came true because he stopped them?

Author Topic: What if John Titor's predictions never came true because he stopped them?  (Read 1121 times)


Alternative theory: John Titor's predictions are 100% true. In his own timeline.



mysterious guy who "predicted" stuff on message boards in the 90's. he was really just a troll though

same thing probably happened with all the armageddon predictions

they didnt come true because if they ever did, then someone would go back in time and stop it

Macho man sacrificed his own life to stop The rapture

So uhhh? Can't prove a negative?

what if you weren't gay OP?

what if John Tron was a national socialist

oh stuff it's john titor

why do ppl post this

like just google it my dood


I wish people would get banned for it; it's dismissive as hell


if his predictions are tru then imma need to uhhhhhh ask him how he made the time machine to fix my misteaks!