Author Topic: Net neutrality shenanigins are happening.  (Read 39560 times)

it probably won't be anything we haven't seen before

i know people are scared of that "buy this package for facebook" stuff going on in india but i honestly doubt any of the major isp's would be dumb enough to even try that here. anyone who could would immediately switch to something else

i just don't see a way for any isp to start doing something like that and get away with it, the amount of revenue (i would think) they'd lose to competing companies for doing that makes me think the prices for your internet speeds aren't going to get gouged

this is a problem mostly for small (and large) companies than regular households, imo
that's the thing, there aren't competing companies in the vast majority of the country

it probably won't be anything we haven't seen before

i know people are scared of that "buy this package for facebook" stuff going on in india but i honestly doubt any of the major isp's would be dumb enough to even try that here. anyone who could would immediately switch to something else

i just don't see a way for any isp to start doing something like that and get away with it, the amount of revenue (i would think) they'd lose to competing companies for doing that makes me think the prices for your internet speeds aren't going to get gouged

this is a problem mostly for small (and large) companies than regular households, imo

Comcast is one of the biggest oligopolies in America. They know a lot of people will pay because it’s their own option.

My friend said in response to ISP "if you don't like KFC then go to another fast food place"

You don't have such luxury with ISP.

repealing net neutrality increases crop yield. ok.

It looks like its gonna be 3 to 2 on repealing

repealing net neutrality increases crop yield. ok.
what did he mean by this

Type F to pay respects

oh my thanks for pressing f guys

what did he mean by this
who knows
whatever his forehead represents I guess

Did they just make the FCC evacuate?
Sephiroth has returned?

security an illegal got in and is posing as the fcc chairman

they're gonna prevent the vote with force