Author Topic: Going to upgrade my dad's XP for christmas, can I get some help?  (Read 2580 times)

So my plan is that I want to update Windows XP to Windows 7, so if I wanted to do that, would a clean restart be where I move all the files over, or totally reset everything?
I just cleared no joke 1159 viruses off of it, so I want it to be working a lot better than the virus magnet it is right now. My dad uses it for karaoke so he needs it.

Any tips on how to do the clean reset?

Backup to a hard drive.
Blank the original HDD/SSD.
Install Windows 7.
Move Personal Files or whatever you want/need from the backup drive.

there you go.

(Also, I recommend either upgrading the ram, or getting an SSD. The SSD doesn't have to be big, just enough for what your father needs.)

clear the HDD and then move your files

(Also, I recommend either upgrading the ram, or getting an SSD. The SSD doesn't have to be big, just enough for what your father needs.)
Well it already has 4gb ram and it's 32bit, because it's an xp, so idk about that. My brother does have some spare hard dries iirc

Well it already has 4gb ram and it's 32bit, because it's an xp, so idk about that. My brother does have some spare hard dries iirc
is it 32bit in software or in hardware?
because if it's just the OS then thats one thing...
However if it's in hardware...

Then I recommend abandoning that laptop entirely.

is it 32bit in software or in hardware?
because if it's just the OS then thats one thing...
However if it's in hardware...

Then I recommend abandoning that laptop entirely.
Desktop, my good sir
Well for gods sake the thing is like 15 years old do you really expect anything about it to be 64bit?

make a notepad tutorial in the xp and upload it into youtube

what kind of gpu is in there by the way? some really old gpus may not be supported properly by windows 7 (see: my ati radeon mobility 7500 in my thinkpad).

You're better off buying a new computer lol

What are the specifications (speccy, or dxdiag.exe (built in system exe) has some too)?
You're better off buying a new computer lol
or building a new one and just transferring data that needs to be kept to it.

You're better off buying a new computer lol
Or you can leave if you won't be helpful unless you can pull the money out of your ass

Or you can leave if you won't be helpful unless you can pull the money out of your ass

I am being helpful.

Chances are you're going to have to upgrade that computer anyways just to support windows 7 and it's full of viruses with out dated hardware.

Might be cheaper to just get a new one. Any new computer, even an email checker is probably 10x better.

Might be time to let go of that XP.
« Last Edit: December 16, 2017, 01:07:47 AM by King Tøny »

Do you even know if it is even possible to upgrade that windows XP?

do you know that people aren't always made of money?

windows 7 might not cut it. i don't know unless we see some specs (install speccy).
what i'd recommend is a clean install of XP, and only installing essential programs (firefox
since chrome doesn't support XP, thunderbird possibly for email, small antivirus like avast
or AVG ((or no antivirus at all)), etc. etc.), backing up important/personal files before you do
so to a USB drive or CD or whatever.

if that doesn't sound good, you might be sol, since that's all i can think of with such a
low-spec PC according to your details