Author Topic: Star Wars: The Last Jedi Discussion [Spoilers]  (Read 8707 times)

I just discovered that Rebels and Clone Wars have identical scores on IMDB

"hyperspace tracking" is one of many ways you could write in a way for the empire to get the rebellion "on a string"

like, you could introduce a political dimension to the film about inserting agents in all corners of the galaxy as whistleblowers or whatever

hyperspace tracking breaks, barring some arbitrary after-the-fact addendums to clarify maybe devastating hyperspace weapons haven't been in use throughout galactic history for some reason maybe being some size limit to the effectiveness like maybe smaller ships not actually causing damage to anything but themselves etc, hyperspace tracking doesn't make sense considering every battle we've ever seen and supposedly changes the way everything happens from on out

i've actually been thinking lately that since if snoke's corpse was a projection, since it was established he could do things like bridge minds between stars and projection is a thing now because luke, perhaps he is still alive

and if he is still alive, one crazy "twist" that i would actually find compelling would be snoke turning out to literally being the force, undermining the whole concept of the force creating a unique new dilemma

a neat way to create a narrative about the concept of a malevolent God

but they're never going to do that
« Last Edit: January 03, 2018, 05:49:24 PM by The Titanium »

I really liked it, but compared to other Star Wars films and even Indiana jones, the pacing came across as god awful to me. If I could make a big change, I would replace the entire Canto Bright arc with Finn and Rose looking for an actual spy on the ship instead.

I just discovered that Rebels and Clone Wars have identical scores on IMDB

that's an insult to the clone wars

damn Laura Dern is still sort of hot

i thought it was pretty good

do petitions ever work?

I liked the movie and I thought the comedy was good

My biggest dislike is how long it was for it to be a chase scene
All other star wars movies were rich in locations
I feel like this one only had the cantina and crait, and thats all

From how the ending was portrayed, I feel like the next film will have our protagonists rallying the troops from different planets (hopefully).

action was really cool, plot was a little interesting, dialogue was sub-par. i didn't find rose to be that annoying. it's weird how this felt like it was the last of the trilogy too like wtf?

force awakens was a better film