Author Topic: SirBrixAlot n' Vegan Steak make a crappy team!  (Read 2214 times)

Seriously tho. All I asked for was the server and they go flippin' crazy. I got unfriended by BrixAlot. They also kicked me out of they're little prison break project that I shouldn't have ever cared about. You know, if Vegan Steak never came into this project, and SirBrixAlot didn't overwrite that save- Everything would have been fine.
I even helped SirBrix with multiple things:
I made stuff for his little FNAF build.
I made stuff for his prison.
Now thanks to the batstuff-crazy Vegan Steak who I thought was cool completely overrides this
and makes it a standalone project between the 2 of them.
Seriously tho, what's so wrong with asking for a password?

Seriously tho. All I asked for was the server and they go flippin' crazy. I got unfriended by BrixAlot. They also kicked me out of they're little prison break project that I shouldn't have ever cared about. You know, if Vegan Steak never came into this project, and SirBrixAlot didn't overwrite that save- Everything would have been fine.
I even helped SirBrix with multiple things:
I made stuff for his little FNAF build.
I made stuff for his prison.
Now thanks to the batstuff-crazy Vegan Steak who I thought was cool completely overrides this
and makes it a standalone project between the 2 of them.
Seriously tho, what's so wrong with asking for a password?

I mean, this wasn't drama worthy. I didn't make it a stand alone project. We wanted to build it ourselves, to avoid less builders and confusion. We were gonna let you back on once the build was finished. While we're here, I might as well list reasons why you proved incompetent to be an admin.

1. During the game you spawned in a Ryno V, respawned yourself 5 times in 1 round cause EVERY death was "unfair".

2. You never dealt with freekills, constantly spammed all caps and name called players when YOU were killed. You also called the owner a little bitch, and was going off on other admins

3. As an admin, you solve problems right? All you did was cause them. Then when called out pulled the "I have anger issues card".

You spammed him asking for pass, when we already told you we wanted to work on this build alone. It got annoying so of course he unfriended you. If you would've been patient this could've all been avoided.

Know what this is? The part where you called him a little bitch. This is what really did it, I think your unadmin was very fair and deserved. Batstuff-crazy Vegan Steak? When did I do anything to prove myself crazy. Did I spam you, in all caps and say "YOUR A LITTLE BITCH". You shouldn't have even been admin to begin with. We were nice enough to let you stay even though you only built a thing or two. Also, just cause he helped you with a fnaf build doesn't mean he has to suck up to you. You're blaming it on me coming into the project? Overwriting his save? We were gonna build a completely new prison anyways. Back to my 1st point, this wasn't drama worthy at all. It's not like we harassed you, insulted you, called you names, etc. I doubt this is a big deal anybody will care about anyways.

They also kicked me out of they're little prison break project that I shouldn't have ever cared about.

what are you talking about? do you care or not? it seems like you very much do making a drama like this.

Seriously tho. All I asked for was the server and they go flippin' crazy. I got unfriended by BrixAlot. They also kicked me out of they're little prison break project that I shouldn't have ever cared about. You know, if Vegan Steak never came into this project, and SirBrixAlot didn't overwrite that save- Everything would have been fine.
I even helped SirBrix with multiple things:
I made stuff for his little FNAF build.
I made stuff for his prison.
Now thanks to the batstuff-crazy Vegan Steak who I thought was cool completely overrides this
and makes it a standalone project between the 2 of them.
Seriously tho, what's so wrong with asking for a password?

nice evidence

No screenshots or anything...

a little proof, like chatlogs or screenshots wouldn't hurt...

I mean, this wasn't drama worthy. I didn't make it a stand alone project. We wanted to build it ourselves, to avoid less builders and confusion. We were gonna let you back on once the build was finished. While we're here, I might as well list reasons why you proved incompetent to be an admin.

1. During the game you spawned in a Ryno V, respawned yourself 5 times in 1 round cause EVERY death was "unfair".

2. You never dealt with freekills, constantly spammed all caps and name called players when YOU were killed. You also called the owner a little bitch, and was going off on other admins

3. As an admin, you solve problems right? All you did was cause them. Then when called out pulled the "I have anger issues card".

You spammed him asking for pass, when we already told you we wanted to work on this build alone. It got annoying so of course he unfriended you. If you would've been patient this could've all been avoided

Know what this is? The part where you called him a little bitch. This is what really did it, I think your unadmin was very fair and deserved. Batstuff-crazy Vegan Steak? When did I do anything to prove myself crazy. Did I spam you, in all caps and say "YOUR A LITTLE BITCH". You shouldn't have even been admin to begin with. We were nice enough to let you stay even though you only built a thing or two. Also, just cause he helped you with a fnaf build doesn't mean he has to suck up to you. You're blaming it on me coming into the project? Overwriting his save? We were gonna build a completely new prison anyways. Back to my 1st point, this wasn't drama worthy at all. It's not like we harassed you, insulted you, called you names, etc. I doubt this is a big deal anybody will care about anyways.

fukin rekt

Wow, this thread really makes you look like a piece of stuff WaffleKing. I'll be sure to ban you from all of my servers.

cow, don't do this stuff. this is embarassing. still love you mang