
Which do you prefer for christmas?

Outdoor shish (Like maybe a basketball net, etc)
fReE aDmuN

Author Topic: Christmas Presents  (Read 6888 times)

got this new netbook (yes i did just say netbook)

dell p24t

only 200$, it isint very powerful but its completley silent and its battery life is incredible

i also got a guitar to pc adapter so i can use guitar rig 5

i also got a guitar to pc adapter so i can use guitar rig 5

Is it an audio interface? I’ve been using my Rocksmith cable for Guitar Rig.

Highlights of my gifts:
Nintendo Switch
Art Supplies
Fidget Spinner

i got a synth, a new gpu, a bb gun, and a tv

obviously clothing
a steam card (hell yes)
and i think $110

Stream Notebook

Same as that but with white keys and it's grey with lines

Nah dude

is this true

um some fleece sweatpants, jackets, teensy 3.2, 5 port gigabit Ethernet switch, mx brown Bluetooth keyboard and a new thermos

the sweatpants are really comfy and soft and i want to make love to them