Author Topic: Germestar is back at it again...  (Read 4038 times)

Zelwin(BL_ID:35032) has permanently bannedG****s**r(BL_ID:219175) - "i dont want to keep problem users in here. forget off germestar"

yep that's legit what i did


Zelwin(BL_ID:35032) has permanently bannedG****s**r(BL_ID:219175) - "i dont want to keep problem users in here. forget off germestar"

yep that's legit what i did



whenever he is on a server with me he tends to say it once or twice then stop, because I ask him to stop and he does

like bois why don't you just ask nicely for him to stop instead of getting angry and kicking/banning them??
why not mute

whenever he is on a server with me he tends to say it once or twice then stop, because I ask him to stop and he does

like bois why don't you just ask nicely for him to stop instead of getting angry and kicking/banning them??
why not mute

germestar is known for lagbombing servers, and in this case spamming n stuff, that's why

whenever he is on a server with me he tends to say it once or twice then stop, because I ask him to stop and he does

like bois why don't you just ask nicely for him to stop instead of getting angry and kicking/banning them??
why not mute

He did not stop when i ordered him to stop. I was Hosting a freebuild but he just never stopped.

He did not stop when i ordered him to stop. I was Hosting a freebuild but he just never stopped.
did you ask him nicely?? you said you ordered him which isn't very nice honestly

did you ask him nicely?? you said you ordered him which isn't very nice honestly
search "germestar" in drama and see why he didn't

whenever he is on a server with me he tends to say it once or twice then stop, because I ask him to stop and he does

like bois why don't you just ask nicely for him to stop instead of getting angry and kicking/banning them??
why not mute
he only stays on servers he can forget stuff up in. if he stops spamming chat thats somewhat of a bad sign cause that means hes looking for ways to lagbomb your server.

search "germestar" in drama and see why he didn't
i am FULLY aware of what he has done, but whenever I've asked him nicelyto stop he has stopped

what I've done once is go brb and /spy him constantly, which has made him weary of doing spam events
a simple mute and /spy does it easily enough

i am FULLY aware of what he has done, but whenever I've asked him nicelyto stop he has stopped

what I've done once is go brb and /spy him constantly, which has made him weary of doing spam events
a simple mute and /spy does it easily enough
dude this isn't the us government. nobody cares enough to bother doing that, prior history is more than enough to be bannable for anyone
you want to do that on your own server have fun wasting twenty minutes of your life

dude this isn't the us government. nobody cares enough to bother doing that, prior history is more than enough to be bannable for anyone
you want to do that on your own server have fun wasting twenty minutes of your life
actually, it took 5-10mins**
and also, if you ban people just on their history, what if they've changed hmm?? you just ban someone coz 'oh no he did a bad like 2 months ago, i better ban him coz it is SUPER obvious he hasn't changed at all whatsoever haha!!'

he did it not even two weeks ago haha i don't give a stuff if he changed in that time because if he changed that fast hes bound to mood swing back to being a piece of stuff