Peter Bob - 221180 | Admin abuse

Author Topic: Peter Bob - 221180 | Admin abuse  (Read 1955 times)

So, an admin called Peter Bob on KillianFR's Reverie Fort Wars was abusing his admin by teleporting to me and pulling out his d-wand and hitting me, trying to kill me (I'd assume).
Him pulling out his wand towards me :

Him hitting me with said wand :
(Behind me was a really steep mountain with big falls)

Him hitting me more :

His name in the player list w/ BL-ID + proof of admin rank :

I suggest not admining him ever at a server.

(He was banned by the host permanently)


sounds like a richard

Killian's server has the worst of admins, this isn't a surprise.

Killian's server has the worst of admins, this isn't a surprise.
The only admin that seemed to do anything was Izzy? I believe, and then Killian perma'd them when they called them, and I quote, 'Noob'

Might I suggest using Gyazo or something else so you can put the image directly on your post.

Might I suggest using Gyazo or something else so you can put the image directly on your post.
He can already do that with imgur, he just forgot the bbcode

i would like to confirm that though we do share a name he is not related to me

Killer's server is full of edgy kids that are mostly super admins. One of the SAs banned an admin permanently without any reason. The host took away the super admin but it still was still auto. Don't give people power if you can't handle it either.

Tip: Don't admin friends just because they are your friend
Don't admin anyone just because they threaten you
Don't admin anyone that helps a lot, that does not determine if they are good at taking care of people/server

This is the obvious for tips but just leaving it there

He can already do that with imgur, he just forgot the bbcode

My bad, I tried it before but couldn’t get it to work.

My bad, I tried it before but couldn’t get it to work.
Thats because you did it wrong

i mean atleast he isent hitting you with a leather belt or a wet towel.
sounds like a richard
Also you did know you can use the image tags to post images right?