Author Topic: Edit this photo of my percussion instructor in comedic ways  (Read 6292 times)

« Last Edit: January 22, 2018, 04:41:52 AM by SwiftHyena2593 »

could you provide a transparent cutout template to use?

could you provide a transparent cutout template to use?

cleaner version
Did you even bother to look at the first page?

I did for some reason I must have glossed over that. You getting sassy with me boy?


As much as I like these, they're not exactly appropriate( Specifically national socialist Memes ). I will be using a good few of them though.

Thanks for being creative guys, and keep that stuff up!

Well what exactly is your standard of "appropriate"

presumably things that won't get him sent to the principal

nice pagestretch
also shouldnt he be at the bottom of the mudslide thing

Well what exactly is your standard of "appropriate"
Things that I can post without being looked down upon by people I know / march with.

You must understand, that the dude in the picture is the co-owner of an organization I march in, and the percussion instructor for my school.
With the organization, comes all of the people that march it. Virtually every single respectable person within the organization is following the account, along with many other respectable groups.
If I post some overly dumb / cancerous stuff on it, I get my reputation tainted, along with risking myself getting cut from said organization.

Although this is a joke account, I can't let it get a bad reputation or get negative attention. For right now, all of the 'memes' posted are very innocent and fairly well done