Author Topic: why did you stop playing blockland?  (Read 2815 times)

The prospect of making a very good gamemode is ruined by the fact that there's not many players, and those who are on are likely to join already established gamemodes - the same issue Garry's Mod has. I've completed a few gamemodes in the past and each time I've never broken above ten players.

Meanwhile, years ago, I could host servers and reliably get above 20 or even 30 players. Back then, I'd constantly make new gamemodes. Now, there's almost no motivation to as not many people are going to see it.

I'm trying to make a gamemode now but that motivation is very quickly dwindling because I don't think it'll get very far.

the only time i bl is either when i have a random idea for a build or somebody tells me to

school + career stuff

It's honestly weird as forget some of you are active on a forum for a game you don't even play. Go back to Reddit cigarettes.
...because we have established a group of friends on the forum and want to keep in touch but don't feel an urge to play the game anymore/don't have the time to play it? is that so weird? aite dude lol

...because we have established a group of friends on the forum and want to keep in touch but don't feel an urge to play the game anymore/don't have the time to play it? is that so weird? aite dude lol

but i don't have any sort of friend group here but i still come here for some reason, odd.

Well I started playing when I was 10, and now I'm 18, but I think the age difference has nothing to do with it. When I first started I played it for hours on end, sometimes spending entire days on it. But overtime a lot of the people I would play with stopped playing, and on top of that a lot of the things I enjoyed started going away (types of servers, etc.).

The loss of maps really didn't help either, I still played after the update, but the maps were such an important part of the BL experience to me that I felt like something was missing.

And life.