
Did you like what you ate today?


Author Topic: What did you eat today? [DAY 90]  (Read 28840 times)

which matter more, the quality of food or the quantity of food? i normally eat a lot because i get hungry very fast. is it slightly healthier if i'm still eating a lot but it's real, homemade stuff?

depends on what you're eating, mate. fried food's still fried food whether it's from mcdonalds or your fridge

depends on what you're eating, mate. fried food's still fried food whether it's from mcdonalds or your fridge

like in a day i can consume a 1/4 of a pan of lasagna if we have lasagna for dinner.

always quality. eat your veggies kiddos

like in a day i can consume a 1/4 of a pan of lasagna if we have lasagna for dinner.
lasanga's, what? cheese, pasta, and beef? eating a lot of that's not very good for you regardless of the source
overeating anything is bad for you and even if there is a difference between what you're making at home and what you'd get somewhere else, it's not going to be a big one

B: Boiled egg with blood sausage on toast (Wasn't my idea)

lasanga's, what? cheese, pasta, and beef? eating a lot of that's not very good for you regardless of the source
overeating anything is bad for you and even if there is a difference between what you're making at home and what you'd get somewhere else, it's not going to be a big one

if only i could satiate my hunger :/

Havin some gyro with cheese and no veg for dinner.

Not by choice, we have no good veg

monday cheese is fermented cow boob juice
ikr its hot
how does it feel to be different

hail is cloud kidney stones

snow is cloud diarhheeaaa Lol