Author Topic: Darth C3P0: EVERYONE I DONT LIKE IS A TROLL  (Read 38992 times)

idk about you but i don't think everyone has to be a complete richard all the time
seth isn't jesus but it's not out of the question that he can be nice to other people

ill give you a forgetin stubbie
Mate do you know how to speak English?

can you guys shut the forget up and make a gr8dayseth drama if you are really this pissed about someones opinions jfc

good idea let's get back to stuffting on you

im trying to say that you are literally stuffting on someone because he thinks you are all being cunts and if you think thats bad go make a loving drama

tfw you try to rerail a drama on yourself

seth isn't jesus but it's not out of the question that he can be nice to other people
He acts friendly enough, but I don't trust that whole "cheerful cowboy" act. I find it all very creepy.

im trying to say that you are literally stuffting on someone because he thinks you are all being cunts and if you think thats bad go make a loving drama
good idea let's get back to stuffting on you

"i finished crying about how i was shoved off my homo high horse so here we go ill make some half assed reply"
actually the reply wasn't half-assed, i took my time with it to make sure i was saying what i wanted to say
"i wasnt being passive aggressive, i was regurgitating the popular opinion just to be liked more. perhaps i couldve actually come up with my own opinion but thats too risky to do"
well apparently my opinion here just so happens to be the popular opinion, i've come up with my own opinion on things here many times
"i am going to dismiss this post because i have no good comeback (because it is true)"
actually my comeback for that was in the quote below that one, admittedly that wasn't the best choice of formatting
"i have to fake being nice to people. in reality i dont give two forgets about making someones day. im just really desperate for friends"
"i fake being nice to a lot of people, even ones i barely know or dont like, just because i am desperate for friends. i dont like to live this life at all lol"
"you are being kinda stubborn, but you are right, that friend does not exist. it was an excuse for me to cry about being bitchslapped off my high horse"
unless the act of being nice to somebody is being so incredibly desperate for them to become my friend, i'm not desperate for friends at all
"youve seen me in only bl related discords"
ah that one's actually a good point, i will say i am in a couple discord servers with some of my real life friends and in a few other non-bl discords as well though
not to mention, i have real life with its various social outlets as well
"this is true, he started to stuff on me in the bcc because i have no reason to be there because i never contribute anything to blockland at all besides handicapped posts on the forums"
conan said it best there, if he really wanted the discord to be that exclusive he wouldn't have given out and advertised the link to it for everyone to use
also i have actually contributed to the game in the form of hosting various servers in the past

he's obviously not but ok
i am, all of this isn't just some stupid plan to get more friends or more people to like me or whatever, it's just how i like to be

It's obnoxious because it results in an unprecedented amount of flak for the same criticisms, usually in the form of "imagine hating someone because he's nice!" which is obviously a strange and assumptive statement.
i do get where ur coming from with this if we were arguing about something else and someone comes in and says that, but in this case trying to argue with somebody just because of how nice they are is still pretty silly
Sure, which is what I'd do under normal circumstances, but less so when he comes to Drama to engage in arguments.
i wasn't trying to engage in an argument at all, i was just trying to level with grim just in case he really didn't think about this

I've noticed in a couple posts that Seth can be extremely passive aggressive and I can see how that could bother some users.
i don't try to be passive aggressive but i will admit i can be sometimes even if i don't mean to, i have been trying to tone it down lately tho
i think i might also appear passive aggressive when i'm really just trying to be more serious and level with people, i do apologize for not wording my posts so they don't appear that way though
Him being 'nice' really feels like a facade because he oversells it to the nth degree. It's not like he's just respectful and cheery and doesn't get involved in drama, it's almost like he puts on an act like how children who are new to the internet behaved back in the late 2000s. Think 't3h PeNgU1N oF d00m' but without the randomness.
i do get that too tbh, but i am still being genuine about it. i'm not trying to oversell it, i just find it fun to do these things every now and then cus i find them kinda cute or whatever :p

im trying to say that you are literally stuffting on someone because he thinks you are all being cunts
well idk i wouldn't put it that way, i'm just kinda defending myself here after i put in my two cents

anyways, sorry for inadvertently derailing this drama, it has indeed gotten way off course

tfw you try to rerail a drama on yourself
no Im telling them to stop stuffting on seth for literally no reason because he hasnt done nothing to them


gotta love it when you arent notified of a new reply

has your hate boner lasted over 4 hours
id like to see you come up with an actual point

id like to see you come up with an actual point
that your hate boner has lasted for 4 hours

that your hate boner has lasted for 4 hours
thats really not a point