Author Topic: [DISCORD] Hive World - Its not related to bees.  (Read 1408 times)

Pictured: Logo of the Imperial Fleet.

What is the Hive World?
Hive World is a discord around general talking and such. We sometimes host events on there such as servers.

1: No spamming
2: Posting NSFW content is an instant ban
3: No Trolling/being a general nuisance
4: For the love of god, don't spam the "@ X" commands.
5: Don't be a prick
6: Impersonation is a 2-day mute, and a permanent removal of your nicknaming perms. If this persists using other methods, then a ban will be placed.
7: Use #ai-control-room for using bots
8: Sending links to alts of banned users is not tolerated.
9: Keep any and all drama to #debate-table
10: No raiding on behalf of the discord.

What is the Imperial Fleet and why is it important to the discord?
The Imperial Fleet is the private version of this discord. It requires permission from the administration to join.

Who are the admins?
Chaos-2 - Host
Critawakets - Admin, Currently 2nd in command. Subject to change if certain circumstances occur.
KaedeLanyo - Moderator
Pah1023 - Moderator

How do i join?
You click this discord invite link.

isn't it funny how the most disliked people always are the ones to make discords
« Last Edit: February 04, 2018, 09:04:03 PM by Drydess »

Mate can you blokes cut it out with all these discords? They're the podcasts of the BLF. If you wanna talk to your cobbas go ahead but don't be promoting these rubbish discords 24/7.

yet another one of these loving things

remember when i had a discord

remember when i had a discord
you could say it wasn't a good one

No nsfw? Whats the POINT?

stop making discords
source: i made one and it was a mistake

i bet op doesnt realize theres a half-eldar space marine who's a librarian for the ultramarines
i bet op thinks slaanesh is love, drugs, and rock n roll
i bet op thinks the eldar are inherently Bad
i bet op jumped on 40k recently and doesn't realize that the universe is Silly As All Hell

Thanks for sharing this discord, seems nice.

Hive World? Nah, I'm more partial to a Hive Fleet myself.

but what if i want a bee discord

but what if i want a bee discord
well it's your unlucky day bucko

isn't it funny how the least disliked people always are the ones to make discords
u mean least liked