Author Topic: Cousin Hate Thread  (Read 2861 times)

can i hijack this thread to talk about my neighbor's really annoying kid

i have never seen my cousin i just know he name billy

my cousin is a brony

i remember one time i was playing on his 3ds and discovered a hidden folder full of futa n stuff

Did you delete it

i'm frankly insulted that you would even consider the very concept of me finding limerick attractive in any way

it was tempting

tbh I would delete and put like a picture of a bible or something to mess with my cousin.

my cousin is a brony

i remember one time i was playing on his 3ds and discovered a hidden folder full of futa n stuff

nice to know being a gaylord runs in the family  :cookieMonster: :cookieMonster: :cookieMonster:

nice to know being a gaylord runs in the family  :cookieMonster: :cookieMonster: :cookieMonster:
stfu noob friend

my cousin's kinda hot tbh

Just remember; you're an ameriCAN. Not an americannot.

my cousin is a brony

i remember one time i was playing on his 3ds and discovered a hidden folder full of futa n stuff

im not a loving brony

Two of my cousins are computer science geniuses.

i have a couple cousins, one likes to talk a lot and the other doesn't very much

i don't hate them sooo

i don’t talk to my cousins on account they forget over my grandma and my aunt constantly and im honestly gonna lose my stuff if they do it again.

My girlfriend's cousin is hotter than my girlfriend.

My own cousins don't talk to me. stuff.