Encouraging and hoping the forums are going to end is the same as making an “I’m leaving” post.
Is it though? I think you'd have to explicitly state that you're leaving or quitting for it to be bannable

Is it though? I think you'd have to explicitly state that you're leaving or quitting for it to be bannable

As far as I can currently tell the only way to for sure get banned these days is to post gore or research; also spamming but that to a lesser extent because there are tons of posts with absolutely no relevance or substance that are passed over.

it took me way too long to realise you linked to the same post 3 times

Holy stuff, i thought the borrowed time thing was just a meme.
I didn't realize badspot actually said that.

updated. remember guys, every day is a blessing

i remember when the storm is coming was the catchphrase of the year

one day. you'll try to go on the forums. it wont connect. it's over. 12(?) years of history all wiped. only way to find old friends is through friends lists and discord servers. there wont be a central way to talk about the game anymore. it's over.

the clock ticks

I want Old Dixie... Right here, on my shoulder

kidalex drama is gonna do it to us

Thursday would be a perfect day to do it for me while i get back on my stuff

Not sure if it's the best idea to poke the bear like this, but okay.

where are you getting 163 days from though