Author Topic: HIGHBORN – A Text-Based Adventure – [Journey Inland]  (Read 7362 times)

bash your head against a rock to get the voices out of your head
Bash the rock against your head to get the voices out of the rock
« Last Edit: February 23, 2018, 10:04:19 AM by cromartini »

bash your voices against your rock to get the head out of your

Clamor up onto the boat and arm yourself with pencil and then
accept how screwed you are
   You barely manage to scramble your way up onto the ship while the wolves are distracted by the phone, pulling out your trusty pencil and holding it tightly to your chest. Within moments, you can hear them circling around the boat, sniffing for a way in. They will probably find the hole in it soon enough. You shake your head. Could this really be the end? You don't want to die without remembering anything, but that's how the situation is looking.
read pill bottle to discover what you just ate
   You quickly try to find something to distract yourself from the unpleasant thought of being eaten, your hands trembling as you look at the pill bottle. It was unlabeled when you first ate the pills, and no label has appeared since then. Figures.
eat ALL the pills and go berzerk rage on those loving wolves
   You already ate all of the pills! They haven't given you anything so far, except for a cramping feeling in your stomach, and that isn't going to scare the wolves off. You wish this was some fantasy island where everything worked out for you, but this isn't the case whatsoever. Maybe there is some way out of this, some version of this scenario where you don't die. Maybe if you...
consume the pill bottle.
eat the wolves
bash your head against a rock to get the voices out of your head
Bash the rock against your head to get the voices out of the rock
bash your voices against your rock to get the head out of your
   ...You're going to die. You hear the clanking of metal as the wolves make their way into the boat, knocking over containers as they emerge onto the deck of the boat, staring you down and advancing towards you, their snouts locked in a vicious snarl.
Throw empty maganizes at them, this will most likely scare them off.
   In an act of desperation, you pull two of the rifle magazines from your vest, throwing them at the wolves. They miss completely, flying off the side of the boat and splashing into the water. You always were bad at baseball.

- 4 Empty 5x56mm 30 Round Magazines
- 2 Empty 9mm 15 Round Magazines
- Wet Notepad
- Pen
- Trusty Pencil (RIGHT HAND)
- Empty (Still Unlabeled) Pill Bottle

detach leg and use as peace offering

leap into the water with a totally radical backflip; wolves hate the ocean and extreme radness

make a healing potion from a nearby brewing stand

make a healing potion from a nearby brewing stand
i dont think we have any glowing mushrooms

   Your leg remains firmly attached to your torso, despite your frantic pulling.
leap into the water with a totally radical backflip; wolves hate the ocean and extreme radness
   Of all the memories that have strayed into your mind, doing backflips is one of the most feasible options that comes up. You weakly get up and run towards the side of the boat, preparing yourself to do the raddest of all flips off of the ship. One of the wolves lunges forward, his teeth snagging onto your jeans and tripping you up. There is an audible metal clanging noise as your thighs smash into the railing and you do a not-so-graceful frontflip into the water, your body hitting the water with a loud thwap. The pencil and the pill bottle go flying out of your hand as you do so, getting lost to the ocean blue.
make a healing potion from a nearby brewing stand
i dont think we have any glowing mushrooms
   As much as you would love a healing potion right now, there is no brewing stand nearby, nor are there any mushrooms to brew it with. Wait, are healing potions even a thing? Your memory really is fuzzy as your body starts to get sucked out into the ocean.

- 4 Empty 5x56mm 30 Round Magazines
- 2 Empty 9mm 15 Round Magazines
- Wet Notepad
- Pen

Give the wolves magazines, they LOVE to read.

sob because you just messed up a totally radical backflip because of the wolves; swear revenge on all wolf kind because of this

   You fumble to even grab your vest as the waves eventually start to push you back to shore further from the ship. How long were you away at sea? You can't even see the boat any more. However, there is something in the distance. Are those trees? There appears to be a forest on the horizon further inland!
Give the wolves magazines, they LOVE to read.
   Fortunately, there are no wolves that followed you from the ship. Today is your lucky day. Well, apart from everything else that happened.
   You have no idea what a lowborn even is! How can you become one?
sob because you just messed up a totally radical backflip because of the wolves; swear revenge on all wolf kind because of this
   Regardless, you decide to head towards the forest. Perhaps that is where the rest of the crew went. As you walk, you can't help but shed a few tears for your actions back at the boat. You were completely and utterly unprepared for those wolves, but not only that, you messed up a sweet flip. Eventually, you decide to come back to the coast and eliminate them all.

    As the forest draws nearer, you pick up on the footprints from the ship again, leading through the sandy grass ahead of you. At least the blood on your head has dried. Wait, what is that? You see a glimmering object in the denser grass up ahead between you and the forest! Maybe it could be one of the crew? Or is it something else?
 Either way, you should decide what action to take.

- 4 Empty 5x56mm 30 Round Magazines
- 2 Empty 9mm 15 Round Magazines
- Completely Soaked Notepad
- Pen

stop completely and stare seductively at the pen

admire the craftsmanship of the pen deeply; try to understand the beauty of pen