Author Topic: First time modding - add on not showing.  (Read 2138 times)

I've made an add on that uses pretty much the tank turret scripts except it doesn't shoot anything, and the model is completely different.

With that said, I've modelled everything properly, I'm pretty sure the scripts are all good as they follow the updated naming etc... I just don't know what the problem is.

Does anyone have some sort of check-list for making add ons?

Before you ask, Blockland does not crash, the add on shows up in the pregame menu, but it doesn't show up in the actual game.

Thanks for any support! :D

basic checklist if addon doesnt show up in the addon list to be enabled
1) does your mod have a description.txt? it doesnt have to contain anything
2) does your mod have a namecheck.txt? its not required, but if its there and the folder/zip name isnt the same, it wont show up
3) does your mod have a server.cs? make sure its actually of the .cs file type, not just named "server.cs" while being a different filetype!

checklist if addon can be enabled but doesnt show up ingame
1) check console log and see if executing the addon failed due to syntax errors or the like. note that ANY .cs files with syntax errors in that folder/zip will stop the addon's execution, even if the addon only executes valid .cs files!
2) if its an item/vehicle/playertype/projectile, make sure you have given the datablock a valid UI name, and that it isnt the same as another item/vehicle/playertype/projectile. if it is, both will show up in the list with the same name.
3) make sure its not using the same datablock name as another addon, it could be getting overwritten on startup.

things to check if addon is showing up but model isnt/isnt showing up right
1) check if your model is exporting correctly - use port's importer to import it
2) check if you have texture files in the folder with the dts
3) if its animated, make sure it has a root animation. it should be the first animation in the timeline

Thanks a ton Conan!

So I made the add on by using the .dts and .dsq files and then modifying them by remodelling to make the add on I want to make and then adjusting the animations. I then exported those two to the Vehicle_>insertaddonnamehere< folder, I then done the namecheck, description, server.cs and white check.png files and put them into the folder, so now I have the description, namecheck, server, look.dsq and the root.dsq as well as the .dts model file and of course the white check file.

A dilemma I had was that I couldn't find the tank turret add on folder, it seems like it's coded so the game takes the turret from the tank folder and then puts it into its own extra add on thing. I tried using files from the tank folder instead such as the vehicle_tank.cs file and the player.cs file. I modified everything I had to modify regarding naming.

I feel like that this is where it went wrong.

basic checklist if addon doesnt show up in the addon list to be enabled
1) does your mod have a description.txt? it doesnt have to contain anything
2) does your mod have a namecheck.txt? its not required, but if its there and the folder/zip name isnt the same, it wont show up
3) does your mod have a server.cs? make sure its actually of the .cs file type, not just named "server.cs" while being a different filetype!

checklist if addon can be enabled but doesnt show up ingame
1) check console log and see if executing the addon failed due to syntax errors or the like. note that ANY .cs files with syntax errors in that folder/zip will stop the addon's execution, even if the addon only executes valid .cs files!
2) if its an item/vehicle/playertype/projectile, make sure you have given the datablock a valid UI name, and that it isnt the same as another item/vehicle/playertype/projectile. if it is, both will show up in the list with the same name.
3) make sure its not using the same datablock name as another addon, it could be getting overwritten on startup.

things to check if addon is showing up but model isnt/isnt showing up right
1) check if your model is exporting correctly - use port's importer to import it
2) check if you have texture files in the folder with the dts
3) if its animated, make sure it has a root animation. it should be the first animation in the timeline

"Add-Ons/Weapon_Demo1/server.cs (0): Unable to instantiate non-conobject class DecalData.
Could not locate texture: Add-Ons/Weapon_Demo1/blank (download failed, using default texture)
Could not locate texture: Add-Ons/Weapon_Demo1/Skin (download failed, using default texture)"

These errors have come up in the console log when attempting to load the add-on, I can't seem to figure out what they mean?

No such thing as decaldata