Author Topic: Getting Messaged by Former Stalker- What Should I Say?  (Read 1899 times)

your first message should've been at most "okay", followed by ignoring anything else
you've forgeted yourself

your first message should've been at most "okay", followed by ignoring anything else
you've forgeted yourself
yes but if they did the sensible thing we wouldn't get to have some fun

yes but if they did the sensible thing we wouldn't get to have some fun

 ask her if she likes anime if she says yes just call her a trap

Tell her to "get out of here stalker"
It works somehow

[img ][/img] nvm its too big

Getting Messaged by Former Stalker- What Should I Say?
the only good-human-being option is "nothing"
why would you enable this behavior by responding at all?

kill her and sell her organs

the only good-human-being option is "nothing"
why would you enable this behavior by responding at all?
Do you think anyone on this forum IS sensible?

kill her and sell her organs
alternatively sell her alive to the buyer so the organs stay fresh

I'm noticing a lot of people getting triggered over this itt

I wonder why..... :thinking:

I'm noticing a lot of people getting triggered over this itt

I wonder why..... :thinking:
they probably have dreams about dating a super ugly sped princess so they're super defensive about it. Birds of a feather~

who is even getting triggered over this

the only thing i've been noticing is that people are saying just to ignore it, which is actually really good advice.
would you keep trying to talk to someone who's ignoring you?