Author Topic: Just a suggestion for people that make bricks that mount on walls.  (Read 4099 times)

You guys are giving me suggestions to work around something that could just be simplified with a slightly larger brick.

I don't need invisible bricks, floating bricks mod, some fancy saving mod, modter, etc. lol

It's because there are already numerous solutions to this problem, but you are insisting custom bricks be made the way YOU want. The "mount" just adds another stud to consider when you're building, it's a worse fix than what everyone else has suggested.

It's because there are already numerous solutions to this problem, but you are insisting custom bricks be made the way YOU want. The "mount" just adds another stud to consider when you're building, it's a worse fix than what everyone else has suggested.

you can do /fp with new duplicator if you have that, which works fine, or /tfp if you need to do it constantly and typing /fp is too tedious for you

The "mount" just adds another stud to consider when you're building, it's a worse fix than what everyone else has suggested.

What? I don't understand how the loving mount is worse than these options given to me.

So you're telling me the mount is worse than:

Creating a bunch of unrendered bricks that add to the brick count, block spaces for other bricks or just look messy in general when tools are out.

To make the brick floating which exposes it to /clearfloatingbricks, exposes it to hammer/wand effects and exposes it to accidental CTRL-z which will break ALL CONNECTING FLOATING BRICKS. Using the duplicator to float bricks is also super tedious.

Building inside a giant unrendered modter cube. Super messy way to build in general, unable to place other modter cubes or cubes in general in that area anymore. Also the invisible lines are super distracting when trying to build with all these loving invisible lines everywhere.

I don't seriously understand how 1 extra stud to consider when building is worse than all of those loving options I listed.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2018, 11:41:07 PM by King Tøny »

you can do /fp with new duplicator if you have that, which works fine, or /tfp if you need to do it constantly and typing /fp is too tedious for you


Also what if I hammer that stuff or accidentally control Z on a connecting brick.

All these solutions are not practical lol.

Duplicator fixes the hammer/undo issue if I recall.
You don't need to clear floating bricks unless you for some reason let someone other than someone you trust to forceplant. Even if someone does cause issues with floating bricks, clear their bricks, not all the floating ones.

What you're asking for is pretty ridiculous. Some people have a rather specific design they like for their walls. Putting the 'mount brick' on it would limit creativity. Especially since you wouldn't be able to color the mount and the brick itself independently. Either they would have to be the same color, or one part of it would have to have a preset color.
So yes, the mount is worse than all that.

I don't understand how it's that ridiculous.

I have to work around the floating brick bullstuff which is more annoying and more tedious than 1 extra stud.

Or better yet we have bricks like this that allow you to plant bricks against the wall without needing invisible bricks underneath.

Also is a brick like this even possible?

Putting the 'mount brick' on it would limit creativity. Especially since you wouldn't be able to color the mount and the brick itself independently. Either they would have to be the same color, or one part of it would have to have a preset color.
So yes, the mount is worse than all that.

K so what if.........

The stud behind the camera worked like a water brick and it was invisible?

So now you can mount the camera on loving anything with no hassle and you can color the camera any color you want and it won't affect your build.

If that isn't a proper solution to you guys then I don't know what is. There is no way it would affect your build now and you don't need to worry about floating bricks and you don't need to worry about unrendered bricks underneath.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2018, 11:50:07 PM by King Tøny »

Then it becomes two bricks. The invisible water brick part, and then the physical part. You cannot have a single brick that is half water half non.

Also is a brick like this even possible?
Possible? Yes. Would it satisfy your problems? No. The brick attached to it would still be considered floating. Brick connections on the engine level only work for up and down. Would be no different from forceplant.

Then it becomes two bricks. The invisible water brick part, and then the physical part. You cannot have a single brick that is half water half non.

This is one entire brick. It is a water brick.

It just has an invisible mount, it's still the same brick.

The only downside is the wall brick is a water brick but that's not even an issue.

That would be a solution but for now, take this invisible 1x2f that you can jam into the wall and build whatever you want onto it.

That would be a solution but for now, take this invisible 1x2f that you can jam into the wall and build whatever you want onto it.

Where did you find that?