Wraith Bots [Animation names updated]

Author Topic: Wraith Bots [Animation names updated]  (Read 8977 times)

Wraith Bots

(A wraith and a wraith archer)

  • A wraith bot who can move
  • A wraith archer bot who can't move!
  • Weapons that use animations to telegraph!
  • Compatibility with goblin weapons!
  • Mostly complete animations (can't crouch or sit), and node customization!


Actually added crossbow sounds. This removes some minor errors.

Updated the animation filenames from anim.dsq to wraith_anim.dsq.

Removed the spawning animations to fix the death animation.
« Last Edit: June 16, 2018, 06:37:51 AM by kobble »

kobble i love how you just once in a while release the 11/10 quality mods outta nowhere. this is very very good.

is there a way to use these in endless zombies cuz this is sick

I never realized how weird players looked with the brick skull.

damn this is dope, great stuff man

Neat, and very original!

this looks grape

edit: great*
« Last Edit: March 27, 2018, 12:03:10 AM by IkeTheGeneric »