Author Topic: (nail on nail action)  (Read 4089 times)



where we mass produce magnemites for the consuming public to enjoy

"whats this"

"oh god damnit another dud"
"thats the third one this week"
"off to the trash with you"

"atleast the garbage man's comin' today"


whoa where am i
it smells in here what do i do

(what does he do)
« Last Edit: April 01, 2018, 11:25:22 AM by Nix the Glaceon »

this thread is no longer epic

jump              (even though you cant)                (epic)

roll behind the dumpster.
no one checks there

this thread is no longer epic

aw forget why'd you have to do that :(
jump              (even though you cant)                (epic)


*clank!!* OW forget

wow it sure looks pretty BORING around here
oh hey theres something on the ground

you found a RUSTY NAIL
(good job!)

Hm. this could come in handy
roll behind the dumpster.
no one checks there
oh stuff the Garbage Boys are pulling in
im gonna hide behind the dumpster

"richard you loving idiot you almost missed our stop"
"sorry david i just woke up :("
"get out there so i can lift this dumpster"
"ok david"

Hm. this must be richard the garbage man
"yea this is pretty full. we'll need the arm for this"



*dumping noises*
"ahhhh nothing like the smell of a job well done and motor oil"
"yeah you sure are ri-oH stuff DAVID"

uh oh !!!
"oh stuff i think it's another faulty magnemite that escaped from the factory"

"i'll take care of this"

oh forget what do you DO nOW???

accept death and hope god wont thunder punch you down to hell