Author Topic: The Official April Fool's Day 2018 Thread  (Read 6207 times)

I hit a kid with my car and told the owner I found him that way.

I updated RogueType to use random forum users names instead of the usual monster names, among some other silly renamed things. I disguised it as an easter update in which all the potions are eggs instead, but I guess that was too subtle because nobody has mentioned the other changes
this is amazing

here's a drop i got

this feels kinda bad to be honest

the icon for this character was a T, so i assume troll. this is pretty damn accurate

if anyone gets me and kills me

post it please

for april fool's day this year I decided to not change my avatar from the valentine's one. april fool's!

for april fool's day this year I decided to not change my avatar from the valentine's one. april fool's!
this has angered me for weeks i demand you change it

forgot to mention:

rpcs3's site broke all laws of graphic design

citra introduced a vulcan backend

i demand kenkoman to put the men back on bergle
pecon’s roguetype update was also funny, i love smashing fellow forumers’ heads in

i love smashing fellow forumers’ heads in
I'm calling the police


forgets sake pecon
« Last Edit: April 03, 2018, 12:14:35 AM by Ayebee123 »

Additional: Team Rocket took over the official Pokemon YT channel

...And then blasts off after James contemplates their fruitless efforts to capture a certain Pikachu