Author Topic: Ive been diagnosed with clinical depression  (Read 6443 times)

I havent told anyone but I guess this is some "anonymous" board where I can just vent a little, hence why I decided to post this. Talking about it apparently helps but I just cant so ill try here and delude myself someone cares here.

Ive been going to a few psychiatrist sessions that I paid for myself because I dont want my mother to be worried because it loving breaks me to see her in pain. I probably spend 300+ euros already on sessions and tests and whatever. A few days ago I received the news that my diagnosis came and that I have clinical depression. Apperently for 7 years already, its just that im so used to it. Which makes sense because I went to the same psychiatrist 7 years ago because of a personal traume that I dont want to talk about. I got prescribed a forgetton of medication but I refuse to take these because I dont want some medicine induced pseudo-happines. I want to feel genuinly happy. I want someone to appreciate me as who I truly am. But how can anyone love me if I dont even love myself? Im disgusted by myself.

Lately ive been feeling incredible tired. Lack of appetite, insomnia, loss of interest or pleasure in activities I used to enjoy, etc...
I just cant take it anymore tbh. School is wearing me down, social pressures from my family, teachers and friends is wearing me down. I am wearing myself down. I am filled with sorrow but the tears just wont come. I wanted to go to uni next year but im completely worn down and sick of school in general. I havent felt genuine happiness in years. All my anxieties and concerns are building up inside but ive got nobody to vent to and im on the verge of completely breaking down.
My loving life plan is overdosing on cocain on my 21st birthday, how pathetic is that? I dont even want to achieve anything anymore, I just want to die in what maybe is my last resort for euphoria.

I have tried everything. Isolate myself from social interactions ended up in loneliness. Forcing myself to be sociable ended up in anxiety attacks. Telling myself that im happy to the point I believed it myself was just fake happiness and completely delusional and crying it out every couple of night was just extremely painfull.
Ive been called names and accepted those as how I am because accepting it stopped those names from hurting me. As a result im now insecure, anxious, depressed. Im a literal lowlife nobody now. Im good at absolutely nothing. I have no remarkable skills. The only thing im good at is doing what people ask me to do because im too afraid to say no.

I lost the conditions for my own happiness I didnt even knew I had and I dont even feel like searching for it anymore. I didnt ask to be put into this stuffty game called life and now you expect me to work out what the hell im supposed to do with it. I dont know what to do anymore.

I apologise in advance for bad typing/english and incoherent text structure. Its late and im distressed. And frankly I dont care right  now. Thanks for listening, or reading. I needed to get that out.

being a child enthusiast does that to you

being a child enthusiast does that to you
Meme Supreme
go team you really got him this time where's adrenaline haha

go team you really got him this time where's adrenaline haha
what did i do

depression is a chemical reaction

depression is a chemical reaction
now that's the smartest thing I've ever heard

torin are u physically incapable of not being a douchebag
when someone u don't like posts, do you just involuntarily dig up embarrassing stuff they did some time ago and post it for literally no reason

torin are u physically incapable of not being a douchebag
thgats a double negative

Don't give up, keep pressing onward and doing your best.

Think of the medicine as this instead; You're diagnosed with a sickness that affects your body and the way it functions and the pills usually help reduce the effects of this illness on you. If you are experiencing emotional and mental turmoil from previous traumatic events, continue going to counseling and do your best to open up about these issues with the counselor so that they can help you. If you really feel like there is too much money being spent on counseling then i would spend some time with your mother trying to research some options on where you can get counseling maybe for free, and if not for free, at least at a reduced cost or even another alternative i'm not aware of like some sort of mental health program.

For the social interactions, try maybe asking your counselor for help.

And don't ever seclude yourself completely when dealing with depression. It gets a lot harder to fight on your own. Even talking to your parents could help reduce some of the pain.

You are somebody. If you don't think you're good at something, try hobbies here and there to keep your mind busy. Stick with something you personally enjoy and naturally it will help connect you to people with the same interests, and if you do it for long enough you might even get good at it. If you want to become good at it, maybe read about people's guides to the hobbies. (note: it takes a long while for the average person to become good at anything, from weeks and months, to even years, so don't beat yourself up if you don't get something the first few times around.)

No one is ever asked to be brought into life, but since you're here, you might as well make the best of it right? Try to find the small things in life that appeal to you and indulge in them as long as it doesn't promote unhealthy behavior such as abuse towards yourself, others, or abuse pertaining to drugs.

Take a breather and take a day to let it all out. Ask to talk to your parents and tell your parents how you feel. I'm sure your mother would rather you come to her and share your feelings instead of hiding away and cutting yourself off from her.

i swear to god all of these brothers that got depression dont jack off jesus christ just get all of that biofluid out of your system

i swear to god all of these brothers that got depression dont jack off jesus christ just get all of that biofluid out of your system
imagine being demotivated and not able to jack off because you just cant get into it

No one will ever appreciate me as I am.  I want to curl up into a ball and sleep 24/7.  Maybe spend the rest of my life on morphine or something.
But no one could love a man who does that, so instead I go to work, and seek out interesting things to occupy my time.

If you have a physical problem, like- a literal lack of the ability to produce chemicals that make you happy, My advice is to take the prescribed medication.
Happiness is a useful tool for success in general.  If your body lacks the ability to produce happiness, finding a tool that will help is the best advice I can give.

As far as the anxiety around society thing goes... For me it used to stem from not knowing things.  I worried alot.  But that was tiring, so I stopped paying as much attention to what other people thought.
As I gained experience I got better at knowing what mattered.  So, nowadays things are pretty cool.

I hope you don't kill yourself.  Eventually things get better. ... probably.