Author Topic: Times You Spent Hours Fixing a Simple Problem  (Read 1838 times)

I just spent hours diagnosing an issue that was caused by me stupidly mistyping a single digit of an IP in a firewall NAT rule.

Could have been solved in two seconds if I had just noticed it sooner.

Instead I rebooted servers, double checked configurations, ran port diagnostics, and even even check to make sure SELinux wasn't blocking me

That was hours wasted on something incredibly simple.

When was a time you did dumb stuff like this.

off by one errors in nested for loops, esp when iterating over a board grid.

many math homeworks
ah yes always fun trying to figure out why the answer on the calculator wasn't any of the answer choices

Trying to figure out why skyrim keeps crashing and how to prevent save bloat from occurring due to my many script heavy mods. Still a work in progress.

why my wifi driver on my laptop got deleted and then I figured out all I had to do is plug an Ethernet cable into a router, it happened again, but this time Ethernet didn't work, so I had reset the computer only uninstalling all programs that didn't come with the computer.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2018, 08:34:40 AM by cooolguy32 »

spent a week taking apart a new headset to try and figure out what was wrong with it and i didn't realize there was an on button right at the end of the cable

spent 3 days trying to debug a typo once

for me its looking for a certain object then i find it on my desk (its cluttered)

I spent several years tweaking my onboard systems to not make simple problems that I'd have to spend hours fixing.

spent 3 days trying to debug a typo once
Holy stuff I deal with this pretty often

Especially writing a program in C++

the only difficult thing about programming is typos and accidentally swapping variable names

my error was having two variable names swapped

instead of how it was supposed to be

and it took 3 loving days to figure that stuff out. i'm still pissed at myself about that

off by one errors in nested for loops, esp when iterating over a board grid.
never had an issue with that though
« Last Edit: May 04, 2018, 12:23:09 PM by Gytyyhgfffff »

My bank account had the wrong ssn by a digit for over a decade.

i lost a week of work trying to fix a bug in my game which was caused because an object that was supposed to be deleted wasnt

off by one errors in nested for loops, esp when iterating over a board grid.

also null references. i always forget to do if(variable != null before all my conditionals so i constantly get null reference exceptions but the problem is that the debugger points to the variable source itself so i cant ever find where the actual exception is unless i check for every instance where i use variable
« Last Edit: May 04, 2018, 12:26:08 PM by thegoodperry »

in kerbal space program i spent hours trying to make one rocket go to space without gimbal or sas
problem was that i had a ton of RCS thrusters but 0 monopropellant