EDC vegas.

Author Topic: EDC vegas.  (Read 2204 times)

Nights of may18-20th. Me and the tone-bone doing it again this year with our people. Last year a few random internet people ran into us. What other possible blocklanders will join us to party down.

We at mainstreet station hotel and have tons of the drugas and booze. Will be festive af.

Likely plenty editing later. I'm stuck mobile right now.
« Last Edit: May 11, 2018, 02:33:47 PM by Bisjac »

Should I get 200, 1 dollar hookers?

or 1, 200 dollar hooker?

Tony accidentally got a $200 haircut last year.

And me and my chick friend got matching penguin tattoos xd

Tony accidentally got a $200 haircut last year.

Not making that mistake again.

Got a 20 dollar haircut instead.

And me and my chick friend got matching penguin tattoos xd

Our totem is done. It's an light-animated trash dove

I'll update pic later. They too big for forum post and I'm still mobile
« Last Edit: May 11, 2018, 02:52:57 PM by Bisjac »

Our totem is done. It's an light-animated trash dove

Show it.

What is that guy even auditioning for

Im still lost in the mountains somewhere

I'm lost in the motel parkinglot