Author Topic: Assoles broke loving BBC so now Tables are Gone for good | Thread is Cancelled.  (Read 2331 times)

btw you spelled emperor wrong idiot

Holy stuff another one of these? How many times is master matthew gunna act this handicapped?
This stuff is what I mean by bad criticism.
What are you criticising?
What's "handicapped".

This is stuff spewing mindless bullstuff that helps no one and tells me nothing.
It's almost certain that after a threshold is crossed, viable alternatives will pop up. If you think this is impossible, the migration from digg to reddit would have blown your mind.

Right now youtube is awful, but it's not dealbreakingly awful.

I don't know i'll be loving glad if it ever happens, but I don't really foresee that happening soon since everytime people start talking like this everyone else goes "gah, you forgetin idiot, lol you think -youtube alternative- will last?"

You're probably right, but again, It'd have to be 2016 elections level of action to take place before I can foresee that kind of migration happening.
btw you spelled emperor wrong idiot
Aw forget.

Emporer Lemon explains Why YouTube is a stuffhole

Let's see how this somehow marks me as an idiot, even though it's filled with sensible arguments, points and basic logic.

I don't care how loving "offended" you are, or how much you believe I should leave people alone and stop "View-Shaming" their stuff, if what they're watching is mindless videos, then they deserve the critiques I give them. I'm not saying all this stuff should be gone entirely, but if it's
A. More than half of the content you watch
B. Garners more viewcounts and income than actual effort and good content.
C. The Majority of the Content on Youtube
There's a loving problem.

To be fair, it isn't entirely the viewer's fault, Youtube Perpetuates this stuff. Anytime someone does something vaguely controversial and happens to have a lot of subscribers, Youtube flips it's stuff and locks down on it's rules, forcing everyone to switch to making mindless, repetitive, boring content. It doesn't help that Youtube not only doesn't listen to the people who are constantly complaining about this, they pretend they are and turn around to stuff in their loving faces. But of course there are the people who will white knight youtube's actions citing "people can watch whatever they like, forget off".

if you're one of those starfishs who acts like not giving a stuff about anything and just letting everything go makes you a better person, or cooler. It doesn't. That's the same Social Justice Warrior mindset of telling people to only send "good Criticism" aka compliments. Being a Critic doesn't make you a monster or an elitist starfish, telling others to shut up and let people "watch what they like" is loving hypocritical. The people speaking up are trying to fight to get the content they like back because of several problems currently hindering their goals.

Youtube's policies and layout have not only allowed worthless, thoughtless videos to overtake actually interesting and creative content,

Bad content has gotten out of control, not in "immoral ideas" or even "Political bullstuff" but in the completely mindless nonsense, because quite a few people have gotten sick and tired of having to deal with constant starfishs, no doubt including myself, giving them harsh criticisms and other people telling them "they're just mean starfishs, forget em." or saying stuff like "imagine caring". But, what some consider "mean words" are usually people giving genuine criticisms the creators and even viewers don't want to hear. But listening to these criticisms and using them to improve yourself as a person is what matters, yes sometimes there are bad criticisms and just flat out insults given, but it's up to you, the person receiving these critiques to sift through these and determine which are good, bad and just insults. It's not wise to go "ah forget it, they're all just starfishs", shove fingers in your ears and/or surround yourself with yes-men. Doing things like that NEVER ends well, just look at George Lucas, The writers of TTGO, anygiven TV personality, or the entire democrat party. Cutting yourself off from criticism means purposely putting yourself out of touch, forcing content creators to rely on statistics and strategies to abuse the system and forcing viewers to just suck it up and deal with it.

"But they could just move to -insert alternative site of the week- !"

I tried this, we've all tried this, but Vimeo, Vidme and whatever the forget else never has and never will be able to take on titans like Youtube. Youtube holds a monopoly, a true monopoly. There is not viable alternative, this is what enables youtube to make stuffty decisions without feeling any of the consequences. Youtube can afford to run everything into the ground, because at the end of the day, they are still making money, and they are still #1. Content creators cannot afford to make interesting or thought provoking content in anyway, becaus Youtube and the various groups on youtube grab creators by the balls because they're the ones with actual power, because they were either around in the old days or they abused the system in place to gain the power they have.

"Lol, just abuse the system too then, stupid."

Yeah, you could do that. But then that defeats the purpose of this whole thing, killing stuff content and getting good content. That's the goal. No one, loving no one wants to watch the same stuff on repeat for years and years, but if nothing better comes along, then options will always remain stale. If you try to make something better come along, youtube attacks you and shuts your ass down. There is no real answer at this point to this problem, but this is a message to anyone who shuts anyone down as soon as they start pointing these flaws out.

You are helping to perpetuate a stagnated state of YouTube, with uninteresting content and mindless videos.

If you're hoping that some "hero" will come and fix this stuff one day, it won't happen if you tell everyone who tries to act to "shut up, imagine caring. lol"


do i use vidme instead

All youtube would have to do is forget with the content flow to watchers or subscribers and stuff could go down.

This stuff is what I mean by bad criticism.
What are you criticising?
What's "handicapped".

This is stuff spewing mindless bullstuff that helps no one and tells me nothing.
I've tried to express the truth to you so many times in the last 3-4 threads that you did this exact same thing and every time you basically leave for a week and hit the reset switch on your memory and default back to acting handicapped again.

I've tried to express the truth to you so many times in the last 3-4 threads that you did this exact same thing and every time you basically leave for a week and hit the reset switch on your memory and default back to acting handicapped again.
iirc you just tell me I'm handicapped, start a pointless argument, and stop responding.

iirc you just tell me I'm handicapped, start a pointless argument, and stop responding.

stop posting stupid threads thanks

everyone already knows this

iirc you just tell me I'm handicapped, start a pointless argument, and stop responding.
you clearly have crippling memory loss

you clearly have crippling memory loss
then post the quotes with genuine criticisms.

do you suffer from whatever officerzach is suffering from cause you keep doing the same stuff again and again like you enjoy being stuff on by members of the community. we know you dont like youtube. we're also mostly informed on things that happen on the internet, considering we spend so much time here. this isnt news.

then post the quotes with genuine criticisms.
no. instead i'll post a quote from the thread and you can jog your memory and see why we all hate you
when you seriously create a serious thread and expect to be taken seriously but everyone ridicules you so you dont take your own posts seriously and resort to unserious stupidity

You're right, its effecting any video that the ad companies dont want to pay for. That's right- we live in a dystopian society where companies have free will to decide what they do and don't want to pay for. Oh the horror! London has fallen!

Quit being such a loving snowflake. These billion dollar companies have been operating for hundreds of years, they have whole teams of public relations that make six figure salaries and have studied in business schools half of their entire lives. Their highly meditated decision to not financially support someone who curses in half of their video is their decision, not yours.

If you want to get paid to curse and satirize politics, become a standup comedian. Nobody is willing to pay you just so you can sit in a basement in arizona spending 20 minutes uploading a video of your opinions or some wacky video where you unbox carrots and curse at the audience.

Here i'll give you an extra hint: its the thread where you pretended to understand networking and proposed a p2p video service despite the fact that you had no idea how peer to peer networking works

Here i'll give you an extra hint: its the thread where you pretended to understand networking and proposed a p2p video service despite the fact that you had no idea how peer to peer networking works
Okay, but no where in this thread do I push the idea to:
Create a new alternative service of whatever the forget, that ship has sailed, several times.
Make Youtube ALL politics, it's more than just political videos. This isn't a battle of the extremes, it's a battle of boring repetitive content vs creative and new content.

THE REASONS behind why the companies don't want to pay for anything short of mindless dribble that is repetitively shat out is what's loving wrong, not the fact that we're not able to force feed their revenue into any video. Their reasons are hypocritical because people do far more stupid and "offensive" stuff on TV and get away with their ad revenue not getting forgeted.

This is an attack on a new medium and youtube is just letting it happen without arguing that PEWDIEPIE wasn't a national socialist. Political perspectives asside, letting your top "original creator" get forgeted is not a good business strategy.

And Yeah, trying to be comedic has not worked out for me. So I'm going to have to play it straight... in the threads that I make that are serious.

Also OP has been updated