Author Topic: Cornerstones of the Void - (CURRENTLY CANCELED)  (Read 3487 times)

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Beta testers:


Muffin_Man/Mr. Kriller 143

Fire Vine

Blue Screen

Darth C3P0






What is Cornerstones of the Void?

Cornerstones of the void is a team based endless zombies game, your goal is to defend the zones from oncoming zombie intruders. the map revolves around a medieval styled theme with 6 classes to choose from, including Knight, Ninja, Wizard, Mage, Beserker and Ranger. for instance, say you're able to send explosive arrows barreling towards your enemy, but because of this you walk slow due to too much weight.


Knight: The knight comes equipped with a longsword, which deals powerful blows along with knockback which is essential in desperate situations.  Despite this the knight still has some let downs, he is slower compared his rival, the Samurai.

Samurai: The Samurai is currently the fastest class in the game, he comes equipped with a Katana which is faster than the Longsword. Only bad thing is the Samurai's sword takes 2 hits to kill an enemy.

Wizard: The Wizard is possibly the most vital class in the game, due to his ability to heal his friends with his magic healing staff, you better hope you have this guy on your team! Only downside is the Wizard lacks in defense which makes it hard to fight off opponents, you better rely on your friends when it comes to defense.

Mage: The Mage class is probably the most tricky, he is able to shoot rapid shots of magic out of his hands, but this comes at a cost. Because of this you lose health due to your shots. This can make it easy for your opponent to strike you down in the battlefield, so watch out!

Beserker: The beserker class is definitely a handy class. At close range he is able to take out a target in a single blow due to his powerful blunderbuss, at medium range he can wound multiple targets. Downside is that it takes a while to reload and this can make it easy to get cornered.

Ranger: The Ranger class comes equipped with a musket, which is perfect for taking out individuals at a distance, this can prove handy for your friends when they need an extra hand. Bad part is that, like Beserker, Reloading is a bitch when it comes down to you and several enemies.


When will  it leave closed beta?

Estimated around June First, maybe even sooner if we get to work testing!
« Last Edit: May 28, 2018, 10:32:50 PM by Soviet Narwhal »



Thread created, closed beta has started


Some changes have been made due to balancing, including the ninja being renamed to the Samurai and having it's playertype changed to the Valve-Like player instead of the Quake-like player. More vegetation and props have been added to the Fortress and the Campsite.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2018, 12:12:34 PM by Soviet Narwhal »

the knight seems overpowered compared to every other class. the main 'drawback' is its slow movement speed but that doesn't really matter because if your sword has knockback its not like you'll need the speed anyways. there will be no incentive to dodge because your sword will basically knock all the enemies back

the knight seems overpowered compared to every other class. the main 'drawback' is its slow movement speed but that doesn't really matter because if your sword has knockback its not like you'll need the speed anyways. there will be no incentive to dodge because your sword will basically knock all the enemies back

true, would adding a slower playertype fix this?

Epik approves this gamemode. I'm glad to see that my island advice has been built upon. Can't wait for the final version! :cookieMonster:

uh no since you're making classes for a zombie gamemode where its humans vs zombies there's literally no reason to cripple classes with arbitrary debuffs like slower speed. the problem comes from the fact that your other classes are intentionally weakened in certain places and knight is weakened in the worst place possible

instead just make every class have advantages and almost no disadvantages. then people will choose whichever class they feel is most advantageous in the situation, rather than which class provides the highest reward with the least amount of punishment
« Last Edit: May 21, 2018, 04:19:03 PM by thegoodperry »

uh no since you're making classes for a zombie gamemode where its humans vs zombies there's literally no reason to cripple classes with arbitrary debuffs like slower speed

instead just make every class have advantages and almost no disadvantages. then people will choose whichever class they feel is most advantageous in the situation, rather than which class provides the highest reward with the least amount of punishment

a knockback class (knight) is a great idea and it definitely has an advantage im guessing with crowd control, so build the class around crowd control. naturally, the class will be weaker against single enemies since there's a loss of efficiency, so there's no reason to debuff it any more than that.

thanks, this is why i wanted it to be in closed beta rather than releasing it unfinished

no wait ill release the beta version and there will be a dlc that removes bugs for a small toll of 59.99 usd

reasonable enough11!?

i kinda contradicted myself in that post mb.

what i meant to say is: if you're making a knockback class, it already has an advantage over crowds and a disadvantage over single enemies. so build the buffs and debuffs around that

example: maybe add a horizontal swing or something that deals damage in a wide arc to enemies in sight and knocks them back. but make it so that wide swing does reduced damage when used against less enemies, etc. then its incentivized to use it against large groups of low-health enemies, etc.

i kinda contradicted myself in that post mb.

what i meant to say is: if you're making a knockback class, it already has an advantage over crowds and a disadvantage over single enemies. so build the buffs and debuffs around that

example: maybe add a horizontal swing or something that deals damage in a wide arc to enemies in sight and knocks them back. but make it so that wide swing does reduced damage when used against less enemies, etc. then its incentivized to use it against large groups of low-health enemies, etc.

not very good with doing stuff like that considering the mods i used i downloaded

even if you cant find the right mod to tackle the job, at least try to balance it to the best of your abilities. all the ranged and healing classes seem pretty good in concept, but knight and ninja seem lazily balanced imo

even if you cant find the right mod to tackle the job, at least try to balance it to the best of your abilities. all the ranged and healing classes seem pretty good in concept, but knight and ninja seem lazily balanced imo

i'll try my best

theres a forgetton of files and i have no idea on what to do

would it just be better if i removed the ninja class entirely and added a middle eastern styled class instead?

it would be like the knight except he has a different sword and possibly a different trait/running fast

what i would use for that is the valve playertype which is slightly faster than average, but this would be an advantage over the knight unless i keep the knight's shield.

removing the knights shield would balance it out more considering it would make him less OP but then the alternative would have a step up unless i dont do that, so i could probably just remove the ninja and get rid of the knight's shield to balance it out, would this work?

To be honest, I'm not really seeing the weakness of ninja.
While the knight seems to have the knockback, that really only helps their own survival.
There is an objective involved, and I think outright damage would be highly beneficial too. And due to the long reloads or drawbacks of the other classes, ninja is the most reliable source of damage.

Although, a ninja using a katana is strange. Katanas were used by the samurai.
If anything, I'd try to boost the identity that the ninja has here. Can move around quick to help itself survive, but also give it good consistent damage. If the katana isn't doing enough damage over the longsword, consider boosting it's damage or finding an alternative weapon.

To be honest, I'm not really seeing the weakness of ninja.
While the knight seems to have the knockback, that really only helps their own survival.
There is an objective involved, and I think outright damage would be highly beneficial too. And due to the long reloads or drawbacks of the other classes, ninja is the most reliable source of damage.

Although, a ninja using a katana is strange. Katanas were used by the samurai.
If anything, I'd try to boost the identity that the ninja has here. Can move around quick to help itself survive, but also give it good consistent damage. If the katana isn't doing enough damage over the longsword, consider boosting it's damage or finding an alternative weapon.

it does about the same as the ninja but you got fast moves so that gives you a perk over the knight, but the knight still has the advantage over the ninja due to his shield which i'm removing today. as for the name i'm gonna rename the ninja to samurai.

EDIT: found a shortsword that has no knockback but it is a 1 hit kill, do i keep this or do i swap it out for this?

it's called the rapier and it's a 2 hit kill with no knockback, should i use this or the shortsword?

if we pick the shortsword that means we dont have to have him come equipped with a shield considering the shortsword will be a 1 hit
« Last Edit: May 22, 2018, 11:37:41 AM by Soviet Narwhal »