What are the King Of Ghosts Bots?For most people that don't know, the King Of Ghosts Bots are a set of enemies Bushido decided make a while ago and was then used in port's dungeon gamemode he was working on. As most know by now that the gamemode also known as "The King of Ghosts" was leaked out to the public with a few other additional private add-ons. However the gamemode didn't come with the add-on required to play the gamemode which was "script_ghostbots".
A little before those private add-ons were leaked, someone was handing out these add-ons that he got that some were originated from what I believe was Racerboy handing them out. One of those add-ons was the script_ghostbots. This add-on still works with the gamemode and people can fianlly be able to play it. But before I wanted to post a thread on it, I recall that these exact same enemies were used in bushido's endless zombie mode he hosted for a little while. As demonstrated in a video
Correct me if I'm wrong but with endless zombies you are able to make custom bots for the gamemode through scripts. Unfortunately they don't work if you try just loading in with them enabled. So I've tried to understand how it works and for the life of me I am unable to get it to work.
So if anyone wants to help get this working with endless zombies or just wants the private add-on, be my guest. Although a few things to point out.The ghostbots script doesn't have the enemies as playertypes but rather with modifed bots with ever body part hidden except the torso and legs. I've have not found a normal way to spawn them in outside of the gamemode. Each enemy is given what I believe is referred to in code as armor which is basically the models of the enemies that makes up for the rest of the hidden parts above the torso.