Author Topic: when does blockland make you agree to the TOS?  (Read 1458 times)

when you click "buy" on the page? what if its on steam vs. the website, does steam buy game button automatically make you agree to the TOS of the game?

nothing automatically makes you do anything. if you don't click on something that specifically says you agree then you never agreed. but I imagine it's in the installer, as electrk said, like how most software does it. as for steam I think it asks when you buy it. but again there's nothing automatic about it, you click some checkbox or something like that

blockland TOS also says your online access can be permanently revoked at any time, for any reason.
no other game i've played has that clause, seems very backhanded and unethical not to disclose that before purchase instead of at installation
« Last Edit: May 28, 2018, 03:17:43 AM by Tezuni 2.0 »

no other game i've played has that clause
you aint looked close enough then lol

you aint looked close enough then lol
probably not, but then again i've never had my online access permanently revoked in any game except blockland

it probably wouldnt have happened if you didnt do stupid stuff realy bruh

probably not, but then again i've never had my online access permanently revoked in any game except blockland

it probably wouldnt have happened if you didnt do stupid stuff realy bruh
that's true, but it's also an arguably unethical/severe punishment in many situations

that's true, but it's also an arguably unethical/severe punishment in many situations
What situations? The only time I’ve seen that clause put into effect is when somebody goes full-on psycho and starts crashing servers. Now if Badspot was revoking people’s keys for no reason that would be pretty forgeted, but I don’t think that’s the case.