Author Topic: Roseanne Cancelled, Jobs lost over SJW bullstuff  (Read 18608 times)

They push "antiwaycism", because they are guilty about being tribal.
They push "anti-rape" despite pretty much everyone in the west being anti-rape, because a lot of them are guilty about being a rapist.
I doubt it, these are common leftist views that hollywood possesses and i doubt that many of them are rapists and tribals.

look guys, we gotta treat mm like lord tony tier. he unironically believes school makes you dumb. if he wants to distance himself from standard definitions of logic and reason, we can't stop him.

Its only "controversial" because the circlejerking media and hollywood make mountains out of mole hills.

Typical that you don't understand how literally of this works. They chose to either deal with ad firms pulling out of advertisement blocks during Roseanne or replace it with something else. They opted to do the latter because it means distancing themselves from any liability. Stations do this literally all the time, the only reason you care now is because someone caught stuff for being tribal and you took it personally.

anyone we will deem to be tribal

Do you think equating a black person to the planet of the apes movie isn't tribal?

you should probably move out of the country and become a hermit up in the himalayas so you can take a nice breather from politics for a little while. I don't want to you to hurt yourself too bad, buddy!

Also lol @ you thinking people are put out of a job. Do you think everyone involved is just going to go unemployed now? Do you think the studio told literally everyone involved to pack up and go home permanently??

Also I want this question to be answered

television and mainstream media work in a completely different fashion than the internet. Just because you deem something harmless, truthful, or correct, doesn't mean it's right to do. when you're in the position of someone who is currently in the limelight, you have to take into consideration what you are saying and who will see it. roseanne barr had strong ties with ABC/Disney, a company known for taking precautions to avoid controversy. the walt disney company is very family orientated, so having connections with someone who could be deemed too controversial/potently opinionated could destroy their brand image. while cancelling her reboot is a bit much, it's completely acceptable as ABC does not want to risk having their brand boycotted/slandered. when jake paul began acting like a tard, Disney immediately cut ties with him, even if his on-show character didn't commit the actions. turner broadcasting pulled the plug on MDE's show because of the controversy of outspoken sam's beliefs, whether he be in character or not. you have to realize that these companies care more about advertisers and their own image more than their IPs or productions, it's how television works. there are no second chances

Do you think equating a black person to the planet of the apes movie isn't tribal?
That's not the point. The point is that anyone who associates with someone who is tribal , even if it's before she/he has made it apparent they are a tribal, they have retroactivly forgeted herself.

And tribal, yes, discrimination, no.

comedians making jokes on twitter is cause to throw dozens of people out of a job

t. "liberals"

That's not the point.


comedians making jokes on twitter is cause to throw dozens of people out of a job

t. "liberals"

The staff doesn't get fired, a studio couldn't survive if it got rid of it's production staff every time a show gets canceled. Roseanne is probably the only person who was blacklisted from the studio.

That's not the point. The point is that anyone who associates with someone who is tribal , even if it's before she/he has made it apparent they are a tribal, they have retroactivly forgeted herself.

And tribal, yes, discrimination, no.
Then why did you make it one of the focal points of the topic.

To be fair she called some black chick a monkey. That's a bit further than we can write off as sjw bs

matthew why do you always think you're so forgetin smart lol

op looks like a copypasta

Then why did you make it one of the focal points of the topic.
You're unable to read more than a few words at a time.
I refuse to associate with the illiterate, and anyone who associates with you.

I'm going to literally say this again, the production staff doesn't get fired if a show gets canceled. Nobody lost their job unless Roseanne gets blacklisted and her agent(s) drop her, which I doubt will be the case.