Author Topic: Roseanne Cancelled, Jobs lost over SJW bullstuff  (Read 20593 times)

I'm laughing at how often you fly off the handle

Is it the solitude that does that?

typical chester the pony molester response

you think me cracking a joke about grabbing my rooster is flying off the handle

also, lol, Chester the pony molester, epic

typical chester the pony molester response

you think me cracking a joke about grabbing my rooster is flying off the handle

also, lol, Chester the pony molester, epic

Are you okay?

Uhoh I think we broke him guys

insulting someone is a joke as long as it's lefties doing it
I think the difference here is that Roseanne's 'joke' was blatantly tribal, but calling someone a cunt is not.

Roseanne is a woman so she got what she deserved amirite gamers?

I think the difference here is that Roseanne's 'joke' was blatantly tribal, but calling someone a cunt is not.
No, but that would be "loveist".

why did this need a bump

i want matthew to come out of "college" and become a successful businessman so that he can ruin it for himself by calling everyone mondays