Author Topic: Roseanne Cancelled, Jobs lost over SJW bullstuff  (Read 20592 times)

Hey I'm just proud that you think I'm representing the US democratic party as a conservative australian

Is your point that people shouldn't lose their jobs for being blatantly tribal if other people making offensive comments aren't also reprimanded?

it is loving amazing how braindead you are even when you're not looking up pony research and impersonating people

Hey I'm just proud that you think I'm representing the US democratic party as a conservative australian

a joke can still be racial regardless if it's a joke or if it's humorous or not

someone saying asians can't drive because of their eyes is still racial regardless if they were joking or people found it funny

what you don't understand is that most networks don't like to be associated with that stuff

someone saying asians can't drive because of their eyes is still racial regardless if they were joking or people found it funny

Asians can't drive because they are stuff at driving.

a joke can still be racial regardless if it's a joke or if it's humorous or not

Funny how it's the stuffty minority that whines the loudest when they can't act like horrible people without repercussions.

Matthew and the likes will try their damnedest to justify and explain to make it look better because they have a stake in this sort of behavior. I can guarantee you that if people like OP felt comfortable enough and felt they could get away with it, they'd be slinging out tribal diatribes like Roseanne left and right.

To add onto this, they're also the kinda people to immediately make it a partisan issue. Go loving figure.

roseanne could have at least made the jokes somewhat funny.

like all humans are literal apes anyways


ITT: Conservatives feeling victimised because they can't be tribal without being reprimanded

roseanne could have at least made the jokes somewhat funny.

like all humans are literal apes anyways

That is not a joke, that is a failed PC guilt trip in a picture.
If it was a joke, I'm not surprised you don't realize it wasn't funny, being out of touch and all.

still wouldn't fire someone or rip their show off tv over it.

That is not a joke, that is a failed PC guilt trip in a picture.
If it was a joke, I'm not surprised you don't realize it wasn't funny, being out of touch and all.

still wouldn't fire someone or rip their show off tv over it.

Literally every single one of your posts screams "reactionary shut-in", you can't accuse other people of being out of touch lol

That is not a joke, that is a failed PC guilt trip in a picture.
If it was a joke, I'm not surprised you don't realize it wasn't funny, being out of touch and all.

still wouldn't fire someone or rip their show off tv over it.
you have no place calling someone else out of touch