Author Topic: change one word of the sentence v26  (Read 7938 times)

last one was locked cause op is a poopy head

whats with these homies dissin my girl

whats with these theses dissin my girl

whats with these theses dissin my these

off topic: inb4 all words are replaced with “monday” again
« Last Edit: June 03, 2018, 01:14:27 AM by failbros2 »

whats with these theses thesin' my these

these with these theses thesin' my these

these with these theses thesin' my mondays

These with these theses thesin' my bones

these these these theses thesin’ my bones

these these these these thesin' these bones

these these these these thesin' these these

these these these these thesin' these monday

These these these these thesin' these bones

How these these these thesin' these bones

Now these these these thesin' these bones

Now these these these seein' these bones