Author Topic: Liberal SJWs killed youtube.  (Read 2456 times)

Youtube realized another number 1 trending SJW video about pride.

with guess what 70k dislikes.

Meanwhile my boy PJW can't even get on trending and he has double the likes.

you forgot your news tag

are you seriously acting surprised that a youtube-published video got number one trending on youtube

are you seriously acting surprised that a youtube-published video got number one trending on youtube

Yes because I'd like to believe medias are not controlled by the loving liberal left.

I guess I'm wrong.

are you seriously acting surprised that a youtube-published video got number one trending on youtube
Its not about being surprised, it's about it being complete bullstuff.

Its not about being surprised, it's about it being complete bullstuff.
hey breaking news dude if you complain about stupid things like this it degrades every other opinion or point you have on the matter

hey breaking news dude if you complain about stupid things like this it degrades every other opinion or point you have on the matter
"Stupid things"

Youtube is Promoting a Youtube video by putting it on the misleading "Trending" lineup.
It really should be called "Promoted Content". But to top it off Youtube hand picks the content which is either made by Youtube, TV Celebrities, or the same circlejerk of "advertiser friendly" youtubers with small exceptions every few months.

This is a stuffty system that loving locks people in their positions on youtube.

The bias is real, they should really just call it the promotions tab.

as opposed to the conservative SJWs

PJW doesn't get on trending because his content is awful not because there's a liberal conspiracy to keep him off the front page

PJW doesn't get on trending because his content is awful not because there's a liberal conspiracy to keep him off the front page

Except the fact that youtube is run by liberals and they literally pick and choose what gets on trending.

what haven't liberal sjws done, tony?
my loving dungeon master watches paul joseph watson and now he believes in soyboys
« Last Edit: June 08, 2018, 12:21:52 PM by Daswiruch »

the liberals are taking over