Author Topic: Draw Your life  (Read 6304 times)

Was this meant to be an actual insult to him? Please, just stop.

sorry my grandpa marco de leqiunjg the third made that post again so sorry

sorry my grandpa marco de leqiunjg the third made that post again so sorry
tell your grandpa that i said hi

Why do it then other then for the hair. can't you like get a wig or something or do you only want "natural hair" im saying that in parenthesis because you can't really have natural manly hair without growing it normally and in your case you won't.
its almost like he was joking or something

its almost like he was joking or something
youre genuinely ignorant

Why do it then other then for the hair. can't you like get a wig or something or do you only want "natural hair" im saying that in parenthesis because you can't really have natural manly hair without growing it normally and in your case you won't.
gluing pubes to my face just ain't the same :cookieMonster:

actually though i had some huge thing typed out talking about dysphoria and stuff but then my internet cut out when i tried to post and it got deleted, r.i.p.

here's what i remember of my wall of text, oops, it's another wall of text (that, in hindsight, probably would've been embarrassing if i did post it)
i think passing as male would be overall better in a social context. i have a deep longing to have face hair. i get real sad when thinking about how i'll never have a functioning snake, and i'm 90% sure that's not a thing that most females do. being treated as a Girl all the time freaks me out. i think the amount of distress that these things cause me indicates that there's at least a tiny bit something wrong with me that may be partially helped by some attempt at hormone treatment.

sometimes i get mistaken for male irl when people can't see my long-ass hair, which is neat. my voice is already pretty deep so i don't think that much damage would be done if i eventually did go on testosterone, realize that was a stuffty idea, and detransition. i may be suffering from some kind of "grass is greener on the other side" syndrome, but right now i don't really see any downsides to attempting to transition, aside from the horror that is Puberty 2: Acne Extreme, male pattern baldness (though probably not since my dad has only started balding this year at nearly 48 years old), and the obvious social stigma that would occur from people who knew me pre-transition.

Was this meant to be an actual insult to him? Please, just stop.
i'm actually going by "they" for now because that feels most appropriate and i don't want people to get mad at me for not wanting top/bottom surgery and not being a Real FtM with Real Dysphoria™ (that is, hating bob and vagene so much that you want to get rid of them, even though dysphoria is not required to be hatred of one's body according to the DSM-5)

its almost like he was joking or something
i'm not joking also read the above

i really dont wanna read two paragraphs

i really dont wanna read two paragraphs
tl;dr i have reasons other than just beard

Excuse me?
i'm not sure what the confusion is here?

Actually mentally ill
you're not wrong but also 90% of this forum is mentally ill anyway lmao

tl;dr i have reasons other than just beard
its still dumb in my opionino

its still dumb in my opionino
as long as you treat people with some minimum amount of respect then you can have whatever opinion you want
live and let live