Author Topic: working 60+ hours a week  (Read 5394 times)

good luck on finding another job man, the dishwashing stuff sounds rough

stuff man, that's hella gay :(

what state do you live in

i told the chef about this, he didnt really care and said i had to stay until all the dishes were finished. so i woke up this morning and called HR to quit.
if you were planning to quit anyway, you coulda just said "na, fuk u" and left. I'd love to do that

if you were planning to quit anyway, you coulda just said "na, fuk u" and left. I'd love to do that
nah im not like that. also burning bridges

what state do you live in
a state of perpetual coolness
also known as NY

nah im not like that. also burning bridges
burning bridges? like u plan to go work there again?
if they can't be forgeted to treat you with any semblance of respect why should you go out of your way to be nice to them

you didn't even give notice for two weeks btw?

you didn't even give notice for two weeks btw?
the vast majority of the united states is at-will in the absence of a contract

Sounds like that was rough man I'm doing 45-56 hours a week but it doesn't pay that good

but I'm seriously considering this job opportunity down on the coast working on a boat 20 days on 7 off

after about 4 years I could be making upwards of 130k a year so if I could tough that out for like 10 years I could put some decent money back

It repeats again. Got a job as a baker/deli worker at the grocery store and they got me here already for 14 hours on the first day... Damn

holy forget
37 hours already tires me the forget out.


The goal of life, in my opinion, is to have complete control over your life. While you cannot do that, you can come close. Prefer a job that lends you control over a job that simply pays well. Trust me, you will be happier.

I have no education how the forget am I supposed to magically become a manager

Work the stuff job until you have a good cash buffer for living expenses and emergencies, then look for an upgrade.
Why don't I see this post in your Show Posts tab?
I have no education how the forget am I supposed to magically become a manager
Karma & Charisma

Karma & Charisma
do you actually interact with people in real life regularly or do you only imagine what it would be like