Author Topic: [NÉWS] liberal SJWs killed the dinosaurs  (Read 1330 times)

Once again the liberal SJW elite destroy the world. Isn't it strange how the dinosaurs were uncovering hidden information about the clintons and then they suddenly 'went extinct?' How can liberal media expect us to even believe such a lie?
There's even proof of hillary clinton killing the dinosaurs right here, but you dont see MSM mentioning that anywhere. Instead they're trying to start a war with NK at all costs

I'm glad Annoying Orange is president now. Imagine what would've happened if Killary Hinton was made president? Anyone who said bad things against her would mysteriously be 'wiped out' by meteors. Free speech would be extinct.

the liberal media would also have you believe that dinosaurs had feathers, which is cultural marxism to demasculate them and destabilize our democracy tbh

They can't keep getting away with it

theyve done it again
when will their rampage stop

those loving libcucktards

The scars of the Obama administration are still apparent

holy forget holy stuff

LOCK HER UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is why we need to ban humans.