Author Topic: Coffee Appreciation Thread V.???  (Read 3230 times)

peets coffee and tea is best coffee and tea

your opinion means nothing to me

if i just want a boost for work then yeah black coffee is good. zero effort lmao

if i want coffee to actually enjoy coffee, philz is pretty god tier. also blue bottle is pretty good but they only serve small ass coffees lol

i like mochas best but i can't make them very well at home, so i just do a medium or light roast coffee and like 1/4 or less of creamer. there's a coffee bar in town that has a really good cold brew tho. so refreshing

I really enjoy iced americanos but just about any iced, black coffee is good. I'm looking at getting an espresso maker so I don't have to drive to town to get a good espresso.

i had coffee from burger king once and it was awful

If you get your coffee from any chain place (including DD and Starbucks) you are going to get stuff coffee. You gotta go to local cafes (if you have any) or make it yourself with good quality coffee (not Folgers and not pre-ground).

i hardly drink coffee, but i had some today, and I was very energetic for awhile, but now I feel really lazy and my feet and legs can't stop shaking.

i hardly drink coffee, but i had some today, and I was very energetic for awhile, but now I feel really lazy and my feet and legs can't stop shaking.
How much did you had?!

anything with ice and caramel is good

How much did you had?!
one cup, but i think i drank it too quickly, as the creamer makes it taste so good.

one cup, but i think i drank it too quickly, as the creamer makes it taste so good.
if you aren't used to caffeine then it'll have a stronger effect on you than it does on someone who doesnt have it as much. you build up a tolerance to it over time

coffee gives me intense stomach aches so I never drink it

coffee gives me intense stomach aches so I never drink it
don't drink it on an empty stomach

I agree with this thread