
Philanthropist Or A Misanthropist?

Philanthropist - I Promote The Welfare Of Others (Pro Human Race)
35 (83.3%)
Misanthropist - I Hate The Human Race As A Total (Anti Human Race)
7 (16.7%)

Total Members Voted: 42

Author Topic: Are You A Philanthropist Or A Misanthropist?  (Read 4684 times)

That is true but it also boils down to what people are taught at a young age.

If a young African American living in the slums grows up seeing his/her parents not care about these programs and rather indulge themselves in drugs, love, etc. then they're most likely to follow them as to them all this other junk is just stuff for whities.

There is truth in that. What I am saying though is that someone who really wants to improve their life, if they show and put in the dedication there is no reason they can't do it. But there are of course paternal tendencies that will tempt some. Thanks man.

Alright well I gotta go to work, so I'll let the stew simmer a bit. Excited to see some other actual thought out opinions here. If someone would want to sit down and have an actual conversation with me I'd enjoy it.
« Last Edit: June 17, 2018, 03:19:27 PM by Aplem »

There is truth in that. What I am saying though is that someone who really wants to improve their life, if they show and put in the dedication there is no reason they can't do it. But there are of course paternal tendencies that will tempt some. Thanks man.

Completely agree

OP is exactly what the world needs less of.

You're a misanthropist because you have a bad personality and you've been coasting on confirmation bias to give you the best excuse not to change yourself for the better and see the world as it is.

Everything in the OP is an excuse to not empathize with a demographic of people, instead making goalposts of what they have to do in order to be accepted by you. Nobody gives a stuff about you because you don't have any workable opinions or views. At the end of the day people are going to look at your laundry list of bullet points on why you think everyone sucks and the world is bad and just say "forget this guy" and move on.

In all, congratulations on finding your hill to die on. I'm sure this has been a great way to spend 24 years.

You're a misanthropist because you have a bad personality and you've been coasting on confirmation bias to give you the best excuse not to change yourself for the better and see the world as it is.

Everything in the OP is an excuse to not empathize with a demographic of people, instead making goalposts of what they have to do in order to be accepted by you. Nobody gives a stuff about you because you don't have any workable opinions or views. At the end of the day people are going to look at your laundry list of bullet points on why you think everyone sucks and the world is bad and just say "forget this guy" and move on.

In all, congratulations on finding your hill to die on. I'm sure this has been a great way to spend 24 years.

I had to stop by one more time before heading out the door. But you straight up proved my point that you'd rather argue with feelings than logic. The thing is I don't think you realize that to a misanthropist, if someone doesn't give a stuff about you that's a compliment. If you dropped off the planet, that'd be a +1 for Mother Earth. If I dropped off the planet, forget it, it'd be a +2. I don't feel the need to accept other people because I really don't want to. I have my family and that in the end is the extent of people I care about. When I go in to work and see my co-workers I don't feel the need to socialize or be friends. We're all there for one thing and that's to make it by in this stuffhole of a rat race known as enduring living in a city compacted with people. As I said, I have an overall disgust for people. forget, it doesn't even matter what race they are, I'll still hate everyone equally in the end.

What I am happy about is that I have my closure. If I died tomorrow with my opinions I have today, I'd be happy. I stand by my word even if it's uncommon or looked at in disgust. Not so sure how many of you would be willing to do that when your judgement day comes. So thank you generic Ike. I found my hill and I'm quite happy with it indeed.

Anywho, gotta get goin. Thanks for the input Ike.
« Last Edit: June 17, 2018, 03:36:26 PM by Aplem »

what does your wife think about this

have you even told her

sorry this was rude
« Last Edit: June 17, 2018, 04:13:43 PM by thegoodperry »

what does your wife think about this

have you even told her

You commented just in time as I reloaded. My wife and I are the same way, so it works out. It makes it a really enjoyable marriage to be honest because we enjoy the time to ourselves in the peace and serenity of our home. We've worked hard for what we have today and we take the time out of our daily lives to be able to appreciate it. What more could you want in life other than having the one person you love sitting next to you and enjoying some drinks while taking in the views. It really is in our minds, a paradise of isolation.

I for real have to go though, have fun guys.

you straight up proved my point that you'd rather argue with feelings than logic

Logic and feelings are the same thing in this case. You're not operating on some higher level, we're all using some basis of faith in the truths we know. Unless you've got some background in sociology I'm more confident in my ability to not be misanthropic than I am in your authority over why the human condition has failed.

Ultimately I'm right, confirmation bias means you won't really respond to the points that matter in my post. It's not like it mattered, I wasn't really going to put effort into changing your mind.

op is a confirmed misanthropist. thats basically it, why argue with him at this point? he hates humans just let him be bitter on his own

Better to throw out a generic argument until he faffs off so some edgy teenagers don't come along and heed this guy's views, since getting people riled up means you're doing something right these days I guess.
« Last Edit: June 17, 2018, 03:43:45 PM by IkeTheGeneric »

I'm definitely with Ike here. Also, what the hell is the point of marrying someone if you're both going to be isolated from each other most of the time.

if you think the human race is a virus then why are you just acting so loving hopeless, going about hating everyone and looking for the worst in people, instead of trying to make it better. you say that people don't give a stuff anymore so why should you bother, and your answer is that people work better when they're not being despised by their peers

Oh and here is a better explanation of a constant that goes through my mind explained by someone who is a little more uh "in control" of their rantings than I am. I sort of just shat out my bigger reasons of why I hate certain crowds more than what it actually is like being and thinking as a misanthropist.

Quick little explanation of what it's like being a misanthropist. It's definitely what could be called an "edgy" outlook by some. But it's true.

Ike I appreciate what little "effort" you attempted to put in. I believe you can be as big of a philanthropist as you want. I do want to apologize for not really throwing in the actual points of being a misanthropist a bit sooner. stuff got me carried away.

I'm definitely with Ike here. Also, what the hell is the point of marrying someone if you're both going to be isolated from each other most of the time.

We're not isolated, we spend our time together. Read please.

if you think the human race is a virus then why are you just acting so loving hopeless, going about hating everyone and looking for the worst in people, instead of trying to make it better

Please elaborate on how you will get almost eight billion people to suddenly shake hands. It sucks but it's wise to give up faith in a hopeless cause.

forget sakes I really have to go, my dedication today is not something to be proud of lmao.

if you think the human race is a virus then why are you just acting so loving hopeless, going about hating everyone and looking for the worst in people, instead of trying to make it better

"because there is no hope for us all"

if you think the human race is a virus then why are you just acting so loving hopeless, going about hating everyone and looking for the worst in people, instead of trying to make it better. you say that people don't give a stuff anymore so why should you bother, and your answer is that people work better when they're not being despised by their peers

If you want an honest answer, it's because misanthropy is an unhealthy coping mechanism to a lack of feeling of control in life. That's essentially it without wandering into armchair psychologist territory.