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Author Topic: does master matthew deserve human rights?  (Read 1696 times)

he should be euthanized and sold

master matthew can be summed up by the screams of the zombies in cod 1 and 2

you aren't fooling anybody matthew

DAE hate edgy tweens who will grow out of it in a few years ???

DAE hate edgy tweens who will grow out of it in a few years ???

Man I must've stepped into a different realm, I didn't think 19-year-olds were tweens.

DAE hate edgy tweens who will grow out of it in a few years ???
all edgy teens will commit Self Delete

didn't he admit he had mild aspergers awhile ago? im pretty sure that was him

mild might be stretching it a little

didn't he admit he had mild aspergers awhile ago? im pretty sure that was him


What separates us, the humans, from Master Matthew?

he is a russian robot

didn't he admit he had mild aspergers awhile ago? im pretty sure that was him

In all my life, I have never heard of aspergers being on a scale, up until it was integrated on the massive scale of autistic people.