Every official blender video gets blocked by youtube for no reason

Author Topic: Every official blender video gets blocked by youtube for no reason  (Read 2624 times)

YouTube banpocalypse inbound.
This is no error.
If your content is not suitable or interesting to children 4 years of age or younger, your youtube career is over.

Prepare the bunkers, this is the Fallout 76 Beta.

which is why Vidlii is better
I will be moving to vidlii.
« Last Edit: June 19, 2018, 06:44:08 AM by Master Matthew² »

downward spiral
« Last Edit: June 19, 2018, 11:28:34 AM by joe411 »

kmkljklkj got his youtube channel deleted as well. its a sad day.
"This account has been terminated for violating YouTube's Community Guidelines."

Violating what guidelines? All he ever did was take clips from two different videos and put them together. I have no idea why YouTube hates him so much.
This isn't even like, copyright stuff either because "Community Guidelines".

"This account has been terminated for violating YouTube's Community Guidelines."

Violating what guidelines? All he ever did was take clips from two different videos and put them together. I have no idea why YouTube hates him so much.
This isn't even like, copyright stuff either because "Community Guidelines".
does he have an alt he posts on? i enjoyed his videos.


Youtube gone nuclear
Eventually... when they start hitting the bigger channels, it will be come apparent.

Youtube is run by a bunch of smooth brains, they want content to be "Advertiser Friendly". If you're channel isn't pandering to children who can't even talk, you might as well change your password to gibberish and log out of youtube. Why is there even a "Youtube Kids" when all of Youtube is Youtube Kids? Here's a quick questionare to see you're future... I call it

The "Are you forgeted?" Questionare?

Content Creators:
Does your video contain any controversial content?

Do you curse in your video at all?

Is your Subscriber Count below 100,000?

Is your Average View Count below 100,000 monthly?

Are you a normal person (Non-Celebrity, Non-Youtube-Priority-Channel)?

Content Consumer:
Do you enjoy ANY political content outside of the Mainstream Titans?

Do you like Youtube Personalities similar to Idubbbz and Filthy Frank?

Do you like content that requires an ounce of thought?

Do you hate samey, identical content?

Do you like fun and original content aimed toward you, as a target audience above the age of 3?

If you answered Yes to any of the questions above, grab a condom because you're forgeted.

why i want to watch blender tutorials and download more computer destroying midis

the fact that matthew not only believes everything he says but also puts that kind of effort into his posts is incredibly depressing

charles deleted all of blender's videos to spite gytff