Author Topic: Vocaloid song badges  (Read 6790 times)

Goodbye, my Lechenaultia
Nanahoshi Kangengakudan ft. miku

lines too thick, realized it too late
you can tell if a drawing is unproportional by flipping it horizontally, most drawings look like crap when flipped, my previous 6 badges included. when i drew this one i kept flipping it to check if the proportions were wonky

if you do Ura-omote Lovers i'll email you a big ol kiss

if you do Ura-omote Lovers i'll email you a big ol kiss

that's one of my favorite songs
so i won't draw it until like 80% through

i'm drawing the songs i don't really care for first so that my art improves by the time i get to the ones i like

here's the extremely long list of the 170 songs on my phone sorted by how much i like them if you want to know my approximate schedule for these (warning: one massive image)
« Last Edit: June 23, 2018, 02:13:32 AM by Pompmaker2 »

can you make a song badge for this one?
only if you personally order me a pizza and have it delivered on someone's rooster
alternatively if you can bring back domino's miku promotion

goodbye is new fav

ya u really needed the flipping techique

only if you personally order me a pizza and have it delivered on someone's rooster
alternatively if you can bring back domino's miku promotion
brb gonna get scott oelkers to deliver it for you
he'll be naked when he arrives at your front door, using the same grin used in the promotion
enjoy that extra cheese on your pizza

Eight Hundred
PinocchioP ft. miku

oh forget yes thinner lines was the answer all along

Rain and Asphalt
40mP ft. miku

switching up the style yet again, i'm going to slow down a lot after this one